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Climate Change Impacts on the Upper Indus Hydrology: Sources Shifts and Extremes




The Indus basin heavily depends on its upstream mountainous part for the downstream supply of water while downstream demands are high. Since downstream demands will likely continue to increase, accurate hydrological projections for the future supply are important. We use an ensemble of statistically downscaled CMIP5 General Circulation Model outputs for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 to force a cryospheric-hydrological model and generate transient hydrological projections for the entire 21st century for the upper Indus basin. Three methodological advances are introduced: (i) A new precipitation dataset that corrects for the underestimation of high-altitude precipitation is used. (ii) The model is calibrated using data on river runoff, snow cover and geodetic glacier mass balance. (iii) An advanced statistical downscaling technique is used that accounts for changes in precipitation extremes. The analysis of the results focuses on changes in sources of runoff, seasonality and hydrological extremes. We conclude that the future of the upper Indus basin’s water availability is highly uncertain in the long run, mainly due to the large spread in the future precipitation projections. Despite large uncertainties in the future climate and long-term water availability, basin-wide patterns and trends of seasonal shifts in water availability are consistent across climate change scenarios. Most prominent is the attenuation of the annual hydrograph and shift from summer peak flow towards the other seasons for most ensemble members. In addition there are distinct spatial patterns in the response that relate to monsoon influence and the importance of meltwater. Analysis of future hydrological extremes reveals that increases in intensity and frequency of extreme discharges are very likely for most of the upper Indus basin and most ensemble members.
机译:印度河流域严重依赖其上游山区来供应下游水,而下游需求很高。由于下游需求可能会继续增加,因此对未来供应量的准确水文预测很重要。我们使用RCP4.5和RCP8.5的统计缩减的CMIP5总体环流模型输出集合来强制进行冰冻圈水文模型,并为印度河上游的整个21世纪产生瞬态水文预测。介绍了三种方法学上的进步:(i)使用了一个新的降水数据集,该数据集可纠正低海拔降水的低估。 (ii)使用关于河流径流,积雪和大地冰川质量平衡的数据对模型进行校准。 (iii)使用了一种先进的统计缩减技术,该技术可解决极端降水的变化。结果分析着重于径流,季节性和极端水文源的变化。我们得出的结论是,从长远来看,印度河上游流域的水供应前景非常不确定,这主要是由于未来降水预测的分布范围很大。尽管未来气候和长期可用水量存在很大的不确定性,但在整个气候变化情景中,流域范围内的可用水量模式和季节性变化趋势都是一致的。对于大多数合奏成员来说,最突出的是年度水文图的衰减和从夏季高峰流量向其他季节的转移。另外,在响应中存在与季风影响和融水重要性有关的独特空间格局。对未来水文极端事件的分析表明,对于大多数印度河上游流域和大多数集合体而言,极端排放的强度和频率都有可能增加。



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