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Plagiarism Cheating and Research Integrity: Case Studies from a Masters Program in Peru




Plagiarism is a serious, yet widespread type of research misconduct, and is often neglected in developing countries. Despite its far-reaching implications, plagiarism is poorly acknowledged and discussed in the academic setting, and insufficient evidence exists in Latin America and developing countries to inform the development of preventive strategies. In this context, we present a longitudinal case study of seven instances of plagiarism and cheating arising in four consecutive classes (2011–2014) of an Epidemiology Masters program in Lima, Peru, and describes the implementation and outcomes of a multifaceted, “zero-tolerance” policy aimed at introducing research integrity. Two cases involved cheating in graded assignments, and five cases correspond to plagiarism in the thesis protocol. Cases revealed poor awareness of high tolerance to plagiarism, poor academic performance, and widespread writing deficiencies, compensated with patchwriting and copy-pasting. Depending on the events’ severity, penalties included course failure (6/7) and separation from the program (3/7). Students at fault did not engage in further plagiarism. Between 2011 and 2013, the Masters program sequentially introduced a preventive policy consisting of: (i) intensified research integrity and scientific writing education, (ii) a stepwise, cumulative writing process; (iii) honor codes; (iv) active search for plagiarism in all academic products; and (v) a “zero-tolerance” policy in response to documented cases. No cases were detected in 2014. In conclusion, plagiarism seems to be widespread in resource-limited settings and a greater response with educational and zero-tolerance components is needed to prevent it.
机译:gi窃是一种严重而广泛的研究失当行为,在发展中国家经常被忽视。尽管窃具有深远的影响,但在学术界却很少有人承认和讨论窃行为,并且拉丁美洲和发展中国家的证据不足,无法为制定预防策略提供依据。在此背景下,我们对秘鲁利马的四个流行病学硕士课程连续四个班级(2011-2014年)中出现的7个of窃和作弊事件进行了纵向案例研究,并描述了多方面“零风险”的实施和结果宽容”政策旨在引入研究完整性。有2例涉及在等级作业中作弊,而5例与论文协议中的窃相对应。案件显示出人们对窃的高度容忍意识不强,学习成绩不佳以及广泛的写作缺陷,并通过拼写和粘贴来弥补。根据事件的严重性,处罚包括课程失败(6/7)和与程序分离(3/7)。有过错的学生没有进行进一步的窃。在2011年至2013年之间,硕士课程相继推出了一项预防政策,包括:(i)加强研究的完整性和科学写作教育,(ii)逐步,累积的写作过程; (iii)荣誉守则; (iv)在所有学术产品中积极搜寻窃; (v)对已记录的案件采取“零容忍”政策。 2014年未发现任何病例。总而言之,窃似乎在资源有限的环境中很普遍,因此需要在教育和零容忍方面做出更大的反应来防止这种情况。



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