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Spectral signatures of charge transfer in assemblies of molecularly-linked plasmonic nanoparticles




Self-assembly of functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) provides a unique class of nanomaterials for exploring and utilizing quantum-plasmonic effects that occur if the interparticle separation between NPs approaches a few nanometers and below. We review recent theoretical and experimental studies of plasmon coupling in self-assembled NP structures that contain molecular linkers between the NPs. Charge transfer through the interparticle gap of an NP dimer results in a significant blue-shift of the bonding dipolar plasmon (BDP) mode relative to classical electromagnetic predictions, and gives rise to new coupled plasmon modes, the so-called charge transfer plasmon (CTP) modes. The blue-shift of the plasmon spectrum is accompanied by a weakening of the electromagnetic field in the gap of the NPs. Due to an optical far-field signature that is sensitive to charge transfer across the gap, plasmonic molecules represent a sensor platform for detecting and characterizing gap conductivity in an optical fashion and for characterizing the role of molecules in facilitating the charge transfer across the gap.
机译:功能化纳米颗粒(NPs)的自组装提供了独特的一类纳米材料,用于探索和利用量子等离激元效应,如果NPs之间的粒子间间距接近几纳米或更小,则会发生这种效应。我们审查了在自组装的NP结构中包含NP之间的分子连接器的等离激元耦合的理论和实验研究。相对于经典电磁预测,通过NP二聚体的粒子间间隙进行的电荷转移会导致键合偶极等离子体激元(BDP)模式发生明显的蓝移,并产生新的耦合等离子体激元模式,即所谓的电荷转移等离子体激元(CTP) )模式。等离子体激元光谱的蓝移伴随着NP间隙中电磁场的减弱。由于光学远场信号对跨间隙的电荷转移很敏感,因此等离激元分子代表了一种传感器平台,用于以光学方式检测和表征间隙电导率,以及表征分子在促进跨间隙的电荷转移中的作用。



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