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Perception of Leitmotives in Richard Wagners Der Ring des Nibelungen

机译:理查德·瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)的尼伯龙之戒中对主旋律的认识



The music of Richard Wagner tends to generate very diverse judgments indicative of the complex relationship between listeners and the sophisticated musical structures in Wagner's music. This paper presents findings from two listening experiments using the music from Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen that explores musical as well as individual listener parameters to better understand how listeners are able to hear leitmotives, a compositional device closely associated with Wagner's music. Results confirm findings from a previous experiment showing that specific expertise with Wagner's music can account for a greater portion of the variance in an individual's ability to recognize and remember musical material compared to measures of generic musical training. Results also explore how acoustical distance of the leitmotives affects memory recognition using a chroma similarity measure. In addition, we show how characteristics of the compositional structure of the leitmotives contributes to their salience and memorability. A final model is then presented that accounts for the aforementioned individual differences factors, as well as parameters of musical surface and structure. Our results suggest that that future work in music perception may consider both individual differences variables beyond musical training, as well as symbolic features and audio commonly used in music information retrieval in order to build robust models of musical perception and cognition.
机译:理查德·瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)的音乐往往会产生多种多样的判断,表明听众与瓦格纳音乐中复杂的音乐结构之间的复杂关系。本文介绍了使用Wagner的《 Der Ring des Nibelungen》中的音乐进行的两个聆听实验的发现,这些音乐探索了音乐以及个人听众的参数,以更好地理解听众如何能够听到乐曲,这是一种与Wagner的音乐紧密相关的作曲装置。结果证实了先前实验的结果,该实验表明,与普通音乐训练相比,瓦格纳音乐的特定专业知识可以在个体识别和记忆音乐资料的能力中占很大一部分差异。结果还探讨了使用色度相似性度量,主旋律的声学距离如何影响记忆识别。此外,我们展示了主旋律的组成结构的特征如何促进其显着性和记忆力。然后,提出了一个最终模型,该模型考虑了上述个体差异因素以及音乐表面和结构的参数。我们的结果表明,音乐感知的未来工作可能会考虑音乐训练以外的个体差异变量,以及音乐信息检索中常用的符号特征和音频,以建立可靠的音乐感知和认知模型。



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