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Nipple-sparing and skin-sparing mastectomy: review of aims oncological safety and contraindications




Skin-sparing (SSM) and nipple-sparing (NSM) mastectomies relatively new conservative surgical approaches to breast cancer. In SSM most of the breast skin is conserved to create a pocket that facilitates immediate breast reconstruction with implant or autologous graft to achieve a quality cosmetic outcome. NSM is closely similar except that the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is also conserved. Meta-analyses indicate that outcomes for SSM and NSM do not differ from those for non-conservative mastectomies. Recurrence rates in the NAC after NSM are acceptably low (0-3.7%). Other studies indicate that NSM is associated with high patient satisfaction and good psychological adjustment.Indications are carcinoma or DCIS that require mastectomy (including after neoadjuvant chemotherapy). NSM is also suitable for women undergoing risk-reducing bilateral mastectomy. Tumor not less than 2cm from the NAC is recommended, but may be less important than no evidence of nipple involvement on mandatory intraoperative nipple margin assessment. A positive margin is an absolute contraindication for nipple preservation. Other contraindications are microcalcifications close to the subareolar region and a positive nipple discharge.Complication rates are similar to those for other types of post-mastectomy reconstructions. The main complication of NSM is NAC necrosis, however as surgeon experience matures, frequency declines. Factors associated with complications are voluminous breast, ptosis, smoking, obesity, and radiotherapy.Since the access incision is small, breast tissue may be left behind, so only experienced breast surgeons should do these operations; close collaboration with the plastic surgeon. For breast cancer patients requiring mastectomy, NSM should be the option of choice.
机译:保留皮肤(SSM)和保留乳头(NSM)乳腺切除术是相对较新的保守乳腺癌手术方法。在SSM中,大多数乳房皮肤均被保留以形成一个口袋,便于使用植入物或自体移植物立即进行乳房重建,从而获得优质的美容效果。 NSM非常相似,除了乳头-乳晕复合体(NAC)也是保守的。荟萃分析表明,SSM和NSM的结局与非保守性乳房切除术的结局没有差异。 NSM后NAC中的复发率很低(0-3.7%)。其他研究表明,NSM与高患者满意度和良好的心理适应能力有关。适应症是需要乳房切除术的癌症或DCIS(包括新辅助化疗后)。 NSM也适合接受降低风险的双侧乳房切除术的女性。建议肿瘤距NAC的距离不小于2cm,但在进行强制性术中乳头切缘评估时,其重要性可能不如没有乳头受累的证据重要。切缘阳性是乳头保存的绝对禁忌症。其他禁忌症是靠近乳晕下区域的微钙化和乳头溢液阳性,并发症发生率与其他类型的乳房切除术后重建相似。 NSM的主要并发症是NAC坏死,但是随着外科医生经验的成熟,频率会下降。与并发症相关的因素包括大量的乳房,上睑下垂,吸烟,肥胖和放疗。由于切口较小,可能会留下乳房组织,因此,只有经验丰富的乳房外科医生才能进行这些手术;与整形外科医生密切合作。对于需要乳房切除术的乳腺癌患者,应选择NSM。



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