首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases >The Population Structure of Glossina palpalis gambiensis from Island and Continental Locations in Coastal Guinea

The Population Structure of Glossina palpalis gambiensis from Island and Continental Locations in Coastal Guinea

机译:几内亚沿海岛屿和大陆位置的Glossina palpalis gambiensis的种群结构



BackgroundWe undertook a population genetics analysis of the tsetse fly Glossina palpalis gambiensis, a major vector of sleeping sickness in West Africa, using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers. Our aims were to estimate effective population size and the degree of isolation between coastal sites on the mainland of Guinea and Loos Islands. The sampling locations encompassed Dubréka, the area with the highest Human African Trypanosomosis (HAT) prevalence in West Africa, mangrove and savannah sites on the mainland, and two islands, Fotoba and Kassa, within the Loos archipelago. These data are discussed with respect to the feasibility and sustainability of control strategies in those sites currently experiencing, or at risk of, sleeping sickness.
机译:背景我们使用微卫星和线粒体DNA标记对采采蝇Glossina palpalis gambiensis(西非睡眠病的主要媒介)进行了种群遗传学分析。我们的目的是估计有效的人口规模以及几内亚大陆和罗斯群岛沿海地区之间的隔离程度。采样地点包括杜布勒卡(Dubéka),西非人类锥虫病(HAT)患病率最高的地区,大陆上的红树林和热带稀树草原地点,以及Loos群岛内的两个岛屿Fotoba和Kassa。讨论了有关这些策略的可行性和可持续性的数据,这些策略是在那些目前正处于睡眠状态或有睡眠病风险的站点中。



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