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Complete Genome Sequence Analysis of Enterobacter sp. SA187 a Plant Multi-Stress Tolerance Promoting Endophytic Bacterium

机译:肠杆菌属的完整基因组序列分析。 SA187一种促进内生细菌的植物多胁迫耐受性



Enterobacter sp. SA187 is an endophytic bacterium that has been isolated from root nodules of the indigenous desert plant Indigofera argentea. SA187 could survive in the rhizosphere as well as in association with different plant species, and was able to provide abiotic stress tolerance to Arabidopsis thaliana. The genome sequence of SA187 was obtained by using Pacific BioScience (PacBio) single-molecule sequencing technology, with average coverage of 275X. The genome of SA187 consists of one single 4,429,597 bp chromosome, with an average 56% GC content and 4,347 predicted protein coding DNA sequences (CDS), 153 ncRNA, 7 rRNA, and 84 tRNA. Functional analysis of the SA187 genome revealed a large number of genes involved in uptake and exchange of nutrients, chemotaxis, mobilization and plant colonization. A high number of genes were also found to be involved in survival, defense against oxidative stress and production of antimicrobial compounds and toxins. Moreover, different metabolic pathways were identified that potentially contribute to plant growth promotion. The information encoded in the genome of SA187 reveals the characteristics of a dualistic lifestyle of a bacterium that can adapt to different environments and promote the growth of plants. This information provides a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant-microbe interaction and could be further exploited to develop SA187 as a biological agent to improve agricultural practices in marginal and arid lands.
机译:肠杆菌SA187是一种内生细菌,已从土著沙漠植物Indigofera argentea的根瘤中分离出来。 SA187可以在根际以及与不同植物物种的关系中生存,并且能够为拟南芥提供非生物胁迫耐受性。 SA187的基因组序列是使用Pacific BioScience(PacBio)单分子测序技术获得的,平均覆盖率为275X。 SA187的基因组由一个单一的4,429,597 bp染色体组成,平均具有56%的GC含量和4,347个预测的蛋白质编码DNA序列(CDS),153 ncRNA,7 rRNA和84 tRNA。对SA187基因组的功能分析表明,大量基因参与营养的吸收和交换,趋化性,动员和植物定植。还发现大量基因参与生存,抗氧化应激防御以及产生抗菌化合物和毒素。此外,鉴定了可能有助于促进植物生长的不同代谢途径。 SA187基因组中编码的信息揭示了细菌的二元生活方式的特征,该细菌可以适应不同的环境并促进植物的生长。该信息使人们更好地了解了植物与微生物相互作用的机制,可以进一步利用它来开发SA187作为生物制剂,以改善边缘和干旱土地的农业生产方式。



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