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Longitudinal Relations between Behavioral Inhibition and Social Information Processing: Moderating Role of Maternal Supportive Reactions to Children’s Emotions




Utilizing multiple measures of interpretive biases, the current study examined the roles of toddlers’ behavioral inhibition (BI) and maternal supportive reactions to children’s negative emotions in relation to children’s interpretive biases across middle to late childhood. Toddlers’ BI was measured during several laboratory tasks (n = 248) at 2 and 3 years of age. Mothers reported on their reactions to children’s negative emotional expressions when children were 7 years old (n = 203), and children’s interpretations of social cues were assessed at 7 and 10 years of age (ns = 179 and 161, respectively). Toddlers with high levels of BI expressed less positivity towards social engagement with unfamiliar peers during discussion of ambiguous social situations. Further, children with high BI were less likely to attribute the cause of negative social situations to external factors, particularly when mothers were less accepting of children’s negative emotional displays. Findings are discussed in terms of cognition related to the interpretation of ambiguous and threat-related social situations among temperamentally at-risk children.
机译:本研究利用多种解释偏见的量度方法,研究了幼儿行为抑制(BI)以及母亲对儿童负面情绪的支持反应与儿童中期至晚期的解释偏见有关的作用。在2岁和3岁的几个实验室任务(n = 248)中测量了幼儿的BI。母亲报告了他们对孩子7岁(n = 203)时孩子的负面情绪表达的反应,并评估了孩子对社会暗示的理解是在7岁和10岁时(分别为ns = 179和161)。在讨论模棱两可的社会情况时,具有较高BI程度的幼儿对与陌生同伴进行社交活动的积极性较少。此外,BI较高的孩子不太可能将消极的社会状况的原因归因于外部因素,尤其是在母亲较少接受孩子的消极情绪表现的情况下。研究结果以认知方式讨论,这些认知与气质危险儿童中模棱两可和与威胁相关的社会情况的解释有关。



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