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Dispersion and oviposition of Aedes albopictus in a Brazilian slum: Initial evidence of Asian tiger mosquito domiciliation in urban environments




Aedes albopictus, originally considered as a secondary vector for arbovirus transmission, especially in areas where this species co-exist with Aedes aegypti, has been described in most regions of the world. Dispersion and domiciliation of Ae. albopictus in a complex of densely urbanized slums in Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, was evidenced. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that 1) Ae. albopictus distribution in urban slums is negatively related to distance from vegetation, and 2) these vectors have taken on a domestic life style with a portion of the population feeding, ovipositing, and resting indoors. To do this, we developed an integrated surveillance proposal, aiming to detect the presence and abundance of Aedes mosquitoes. The study, based on a febrile syndrome surveillance system in a cohort of infants living in the slum complex, was performed on a weekly basis between February 2014 and April 2017. A total of 8,418 adult mosquitoes (3,052 Ae. aegypti, 44 Ae. albopictus, 16 Ae. scapularis, 4 Ae. fluviatilis and 5,302 Culex quinquefasciatus) were collected by direct aspiration and 46,047 Aedes spp. eggs were collected by oviposition traps. The Asian tiger mosquito, Ae. albopictus, was aspirated in its adult form (n = 44), and immature forms of this species (n = 12) were identified from the eggs collected by the ovitraps. In most collection sites, co-occurrence of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus was observed. Key-sites, such as junkyards, thrift stores, factories, tire repair shops and garages, had the higher abundance of Ae. albopictus, followed by schools and households. We collected Ae. albopictus at up to 400 meters to the nearest vegetation cover. The log transformed (n+1) number of females Ae. albopictus captured at each collection point was inversely related to the distance to the nearest vegetation border. These results show that Ae. albopictus, a competent vector for important arboviruses and more commonly found in areas with higher vegetation coverage, is present and spread in neglected and densely urbanized areas, being collected at a long distance from the typical encounter areas for this species. Besides, as Ae. albopictus can easily move between sylvatic and urban environment, the entomological monitoring of Ae. albopictus should be an integral part of mosquito surveillance and control. Finally, key-sites, characterized by high human influx and presence of potential Aedes breeding sites, should be included in entomological monitoring.
机译:白纹伊蚊最初被认为是虫媒病毒传播的次要载体,尤其是在该物种与埃及伊蚊共存的地区,已经在世界上大多数地区进行了描述。 Ae的分散和定居。在巴西东南部里约热内卢一个人口稠密的城市化贫民窟中发现了白化病。在这项研究中,我们检验了1)Ae的假设。城市贫民窟中白化病的分布与距植被的距离呈负相关,并且2)这些媒介已采取家庭生活方式,一部分人口在室内觅食,产卵和休息。为此,我们制定了一项综合监视建议,旨在检测伊蚊的存在和数量。该研究基于2014年2月至2017年4月期间每周对一群居住在贫民窟中的婴儿进行的高热综合征监测系统的研究。总共共有8418只成年蚊子(3,052埃及伊蚊,44埃及白蚁)通过直接抽吸收集了16例肩e孔菌,4例河豚杆菌和5,302头库蚊(Culex quinquefasciatus)和46,047株伊蚊。通过产卵器收集卵。亚洲虎蚊, Ae 。抽出成年形式的白带虫(n = 44),并从产卵器收集的卵中鉴定出该物种的不成熟形式(n = 12)。在大多数采集站点中, Ae 同时出现。 aegypti Ae 。观察到白化病。垃圾场,旧货店,工​​厂,轮胎维修店和车库等主要场所的 Ae 数量较多。 albopictus ,其次是学校和家庭。我们收集了 Ae albopictus 到最近的植被覆盖处最多400米。对数转换了(n + 1)个雌性 Ae 的数量。在每个采集点捕获的白化病与到最近的植被边界的距离成反比。这些结果表明 Ae albopictus 是重要虫媒病毒的有效载体,更常见于植被覆盖率较高的地区,并分布在被忽视和人口稠密的城市化地区,距离典型的遭遇地区很远种类。此外,如 Ae albopictus 可以轻松地在sylvatic和城市环境之间移动,这是 Ae 的昆虫学监测。 albopictus 应该是蚊子监视和控制的组成部分。最后,在昆虫学监测中应包括以人类大量涌入和潜在的伊蚊繁殖地点为特征的关键地点。



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