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Staphylococcus aureus from ocular and otolaryngology infections are frequently resistant to clinically important antibiotics and are associated with lineages of community and hospital origins




Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen that causes serious antibiotic-resistant infections. Its population structure is marked by the appearance and dissemination of successful lineages across different settings. To begin understanding the population structure of S. aureus causing ocular and otolaryngology infections, we characterized 262 isolates by antimicrobial sensitivity testing and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Methicillin-resistant S. aureus were subjected to SCCmec typing and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) screening. Although we detected a high level of genetic diversity among methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) isolates, (63 sequence types—STs), the population was dominated by five lineages: ST30, ST5, ST8, ST15 and ST97. Resistance to penicillin, erythromycin and clindamycin was common among the major MSSA lineages, with fluctuations markedly impacted by genetic background. Isolates belonging to the predominant lineage, ST30, displayed high rates of resistance to penicillin (100%), erythromycin (71%), and clindamycin (63%). Overall, 21% of the isolates were methicillin-resistant (MRSA), with an apparent enrichment among otitis and orbital cellulitis isolates (>40%). MRSA isolates belonged to 14 STs grouped in 5 clonal complexes (CC), however, CC5 (56.1%) and CC8 (38.6%) dominated the population. Most CC5 strains were SCCmec type II, and resembled the hospital-adapted USA100 clone. CC8 strains were SCCmec type IV, and 86% were positive for the PVL toxin, common features of the community-acquired clone USA300. CC5 strains harboring a SCCmec type IV, typical for the USA800 clone, comprised 15.5% of the population. USA100 strains were highly resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin and levofloxacin (100%), while USA300 strains were frequently resistant to erythromycin (89%) but displayed lower rates of resistance to levofloxacin (39%) and clindamycin (17%). Our data demonstrate that the ocular and otolaryngology S. aureus populations are composed of strains that are commonly resistant to clinically relevant antibiotics, and are associated with the major epidemic clonal complexes of both community and hospital origins.
机译:金黄色葡萄球菌是重要的人类病原体,可引起严重的抗生素耐药性感染。它的种群结构以成功的血统在不同背景下的出现和传播为标志。为了开始了解引起眼和耳鼻喉科感染的金黄色葡萄球菌的种群结构,我们通过抗菌素敏感性测试和多基因座序列分型(MLST)对262个分离株进行了鉴定。对耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌进行SCCmec分型和Panton-Valentine leukocidin(PVL)筛选。尽管我们在对甲氧西林敏感的(MSSA)分离株(63个序列类型-STs)中检测到高水平的遗传多样性,但该种群由5个谱系控制:ST30,ST5,ST8,ST15和ST97。在主要的MSSA谱系中,对青霉素,红霉素和克林霉素的耐药性很常见,其波动明显受到遗传背景的影响。属于主要血统ST30的分离株对青霉素(100%),红霉素(71%)和克林霉素(63%)的耐药率很高。总体而言,分离株中有21%对耐甲氧西林(MRSA),在中耳炎和眼眶蜂窝组织炎分离株中明显富集(> 40%)。 MRSA分离株属于14个ST,分为5个克隆复合体(CC),但是CC5(56.1%)和CC8(38.6%)占主导地位。大部分CC5菌株均为SCCmec II型,与医院适应的USA100克隆相似。 CC8菌株是IV型SCCmec,86%的PVL毒素呈阳性,这是社区获得的克隆USA300的共同特征。带有SCCmec IV型的CC5菌株占USA800克隆的典型比例,占人口的15.5%。 USA100菌株对克林霉素,红霉素和左氧氟沙星(100%)高度耐药,而USA300菌株对红霉素(89%)的耐药率较高,但对左氧氟沙星(39%)和克林霉素(17%)的耐药率较低。我们的数据表明,眼和耳鼻咽喉科金黄色葡萄球菌由通常对临床相关抗生素具有抗性的菌株组成,并且与社区和医院起源的主要流行性克隆复合体有关。



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