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The Effect of Content and Tone of Maternal Evaluative Feedback on Self-Cognitions and Affect in Young Children




Feedback that young children receive from others can affect their emotions and emerging self-views. The current experiment tested the effect of negative content (criticism) and negative tone (hostile) of the feedback on children’s affect, self-evaluations, and attributions; we also explored whether maternal history of depression and children’s temperament moderated these relations. Participants were 152 mothers and children (48% girls) ages 4 to 5 (M= 61.6 months, SD = 6.83). The task involved three scenarios enacted by dolls; the child doll made something (e.g., picture, house, numbers) that had a mistake (e.g., no windows on the house), and proudly showed it to the mother doll, who then gave feedback (standardized, audio recorded) to the child. Children were randomized to one of four maternal feedback conditions (i.e., negative or neutral content in either a negative or neutral tone). Negative content (criticism) produced significantly more negative affect and lower self-evaluations than neutral content. When the tone of the feedback was hostile, children of mothers who had been depressed during the child’s life were significantly more likely to make internal attributions for mistakes than were children of nondepressed mothers. In addition, among children with low temperament negative affectivity, in the presence of negative tone, negative content significantly predicted more internal attributions for the errors. Findings are discussed in terms of understanding the role of evaluative feedback in children’s emerging social cognitions and affect.
机译:幼儿从他人那里得到的反馈会影响他们的情绪和新出现的自我看法。当前的实验测试了反馈的负面内容(批评)和负面语气(敌意)对儿童情感,自我评价和归因的影响;我们还探讨了母亲的抑郁史和孩子的气质是否能够缓解这些关系。参与者为152位年龄在4至5岁(M = 61.6个月,SD = 6.83)的母亲和儿童(48%的女孩)。任务涉及玩偶制定的三种场景;孩子的洋娃娃做了一些有错误的东西(例如,图片,房子,数字)(例如,房子上没有窗户),并自豪地向母娃娃展示了这个东西,然后母子给了孩子反馈(标准化,录音) 。将儿童随机分配到四个孕产妇反馈条件之一(即阴性或中性含量为阴性或中性含量)。与中立的内容相比,负面内容(批评)产生的负面影响明显更多,自我评价也更低。当反馈的态度充满敌意时,在母亲一生中处于压抑状态的母亲的孩子比非处于压抑状态的母亲的孩子更有可能对错误进行内部归因。此外,在气质消极情绪低的儿童中,在存在负面语气的情况下,负面内容明显预示了错误的更多内部归因。讨论结果时应理解评估反馈在儿童新兴的社会认知和影响中的作用。



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