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Reassessment of the Species in the Euwallacea Fornicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Complex after the Rediscovery of the Lost Type Specimen

机译:重新发现迷失型标本后对Eunalacea Fornicatus(鞘翅目:Curculionidae:Scolytinae)复合体中的物种进行重新评估。



Ambrosia beetles of the Euwallacea fornicatus (Eichhoff, 1868) species complex are emerging tree pests, responsible for significant damage to orchards and ecosystems around the world. The species complex comprises seven described species, all of which are nearly identical. Given that the morphology-defined species boundaries have been ambiguous, historically, there has been much disagreement on species validity, which was compounded by the presumed loss of the type series of E. fornicatus. The species complex was recently reviewed using morphometrics to associate the type specimens to the clades delineated with molecular data under the assumption of the lost type series. We rediscovered a syntype of Xyleborus fornicatus, and reevaluated the species in the complex using morphometrics. We propose the following taxonomic changes to the species complex: Euwallacea fornicatus (=E. tapatapaoensis (Schedl, 1951); = E. whitfordiodendrus (Schedl, 1942)) >syn. res.); E. fornicatior (Eggers, 1923) (=E. schultzei (Schedl, 1951) >syn. nov.); E. kuroshio (Gomez and Hulcr, 2018) and E. perbrevis (Schedl, 1951) >stat. res. These taxonomic changes shift the species name associated with the widely used common names for two taxa, namely: Euwallacea fornicatus should be used for the “Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer”, and E. perbrevis for the “Tea Shot Hole Borer clade a”. A lectotype is designated for X. fornicatus in order to stabilize the use of the name.
机译:Euwallacea fornicatus(Eichhoff,1868年)物种复合体的安布罗斯甲虫是新兴的树木害虫,对全世界的果园和生态系统造成重大破坏。物种复合体包括七个描述的物种,所有这些几乎都是相同的。鉴于形态定义的物种边界一直是模棱两可的,从历史上看,在物种有效性方面存在很多分歧,而假定的E. fornicatus类型系列的丧失又加剧了这种分歧。最近,使用形态计量学对物种复合体进行了审查,以将类型标本与分子数据所描绘的进化枝联系起来,并假设存在丢失的类型序列。我们重新发现了Xyleborus fornicatus的同种型,并使用形态计量学对复合物中的物种进行了重新评估。我们建议对物种复合体进行以下分类学更改:Euwallacea fornicatus(= E. tapatapaoensis(Schedl,1951); = E. whitfordiodendrus(Schedl,1942))> syn。 ); E. fornicatior(Eggers,1923)(= E。schultzei(Schedl,1951)> syn。nov。); E. kuroshio(Gomez和Hulcr,2018)和E. perbrevis(Schedl,1951)> stat。 res 。这些分类变化改变了与两个分类单元的通用名称相关的物种名称,即:Euwallacea fornicatus用于“多食性pha孔钻”,而E. perbrevis用于“茶Shot孔进化枝a”。为了稳定名称,X。fornicatus被指定了一个选型。



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