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An interdisciplinary approach to assess human health risk in an urban environment: A case study in temperate Argentina




Unplanned urbanization increases the exposure of people to environmental hazards. Within a landscape ecology framework, this study is a diagnosis of human health risk in San Martín, an urban district of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Risk was estimated by combining four hazard indexes (water and air pollution, and mosquito and rodent infestation) and a vulnerability index. Each index was obtained by integrating environmental and socio-demographic layers in a Geographic Information System. Spatial autocorrelation was assessed for each hazard, vulnerability and risk indexes using Moran's tests. Also, spatial associations between pairs of variables were addressed by means of Geographically Weighted Regressions. The robustness of hazard and vulnerability indexes was checked by a sensitivity analysis. In General San Martín district, 83.3% of the population is exposed to relatively high levels of at least one hazard; 7.4% is exposed to relatively high levels of all hazards (11.5% of the total area) and only 16.7% lives in areas of relatively low levels of all hazards (15.4% of the total area). Areas where hazard intensity was relatively high corresponded to those areas where the most vulnerable population lives, enhancing human health risk. The models for hazards and vulnerability were reasonably robust to changes in the weights of the variables considered. Our results highlight the spatially heterogeneous nature of human health risk in an urban landscape, and reveal the location of critical risk hotspots where reduction or mitigation actions should be focused.
机译:计划外的城市化增加了人们对环境危害的暴露。在景观生态学框架内,这项研究是对阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯市区SanMartín对人类健康风险的诊断。通过将四个危害指数(水和空气污染以及蚊虫和啮齿动物的侵扰)和一个脆弱性指数相结合来估计风险。通过将环境和社会人口统计图层集成到地理信息系统中来获得每个索引。使用Moran的检验评估了每种危害,脆弱性和风险指数的空间自相关。同样,变量对之间的空间联系通过地理加权回归得到解决。通过敏感性分析检查了危害和脆弱性指标的鲁棒性。在圣马丁将军区,人口的83.3%处于相对较高水平的至少一种灾害。 7.4%的人暴露于所有危害的相对较高水平(占总面积的11.5%),而只有16.7%的人生活在所有危害程度相对较低的区域(占总面积的15.4%)。危险程度相对较高的区域与最脆弱的人口生活的区域相对应,从而增加了人类健康风险。危害和脆弱性模型对于所考虑变量的权重变化具有相当强的鲁棒性。我们的结果强调了城市景观中人类健康风险的空间异质性,并揭示了应重点关注减少或缓解行动的关键风险热点的位置。



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