首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics >Fluoroscopic evaluation of diaphragmatic motion reduction with a respiratory gated radiotherapy system

Fluoroscopic evaluation of diaphragmatic motion reduction with a respiratory gated radiotherapy system




We report on initial patient studies to evaluate the performance of a commercial respiratory gating radiotherapy system. The system uses a breathing monitor, consisting of a video camera and passive infrared reflective markers placed on the patient's thorax, to synchronize radiation from a linear accelerator with the patient's breathing cycle. Six patients receiving treatment for lung cancer participated in a study of system characteristics during treatment simulation with fluoroscopy. Breathing synchronized fluoroscopy was performed initially without instruction, followed by fluoroscopy with recorded verbal instruction (i.e., when to inhale and exhale) with the tempo matched to the patient's normal breathing period. Patients tended to inhale more consistently when given instruction, as assessed by an external marker movement. This resulted in smaller variation in expiration and inspiration marker positions relative to total excursion, thereby permitting more precise gating tolerances at those parts of the breathing cycle. Breathing instruction also reduced the fraction of session times having irregular breathing as measured by the system software, thereby potentially increasing the accelerator duty factor and decreasing treatment times. Fluoroscopy studies showed external monitor movement to correlate well with that of the diaphragm in four patients, whereas time delays of up to 0.7 s in diaphragm movement were observed in two patients with impaired lung function. From fluoroscopic observations, average patient diaphragm excursion was reduced from 1.4 cm (range 0.7–2.1 cm) without gating and without breathing instruction, to 0.3 cm (range 0.2–0.5 cm) with instruction and with gating tolerances set for treatment at expiration for 25% of the breathing cycle. Patients expressed no difficulty with following instruction for the duration of a session. We conclude that the external monitor accurately predicts internal respiratory motion in most cases; however, it may be important to check with fluoroscopy for possible time delays in patients with impaired lung function. Furthermore, we observe that verbal instruction can improve breathing regularity, thus improving the performance of gated treatments with this system.PACS number(s): 87.53.–j, 87.62.+n
机译:我们报告了初步的患者研究,以评估商业呼吸门控放射治疗系统的性能。该系统使用呼吸监视器,该监视器由摄像机和放置在患者胸腔上的无源红外反射标记组成,以将线性加速器的辐射与患者的呼吸周期同步。六名接受肺癌治疗的患者参加了在荧光镜下模拟治疗过程中系统特征的研究。呼吸同步荧光检查最初是在没有指导的情况下进行的,然后进行荧光检查并记录了口头指示(即何时吸气和呼气),节奏与患者的正常呼吸时间相匹配。根据外部标记运动的评估,患者在接受指导时倾向于更一致地吸气。相对于总偏移,这导致呼气和吸气标记位置的变化较小,从而在呼吸周期的那些部分允许更精确的门控公差。呼吸指令还减少了系统软件所测量的呼吸不规则的会话时间比例,从而潜在地增加了加速器占空比并减少了治疗时间。荧光检查研究表明,四名患者的外部监护仪运动与the肌运动密切相关,而两名肺功能受损的患者观察到diaphragm肌运动的时间延迟高达0.7 s。从透视观察,患者的平均diaphragm肌偏移从无门诊和无呼吸指导的1.4厘米(范围0.7-2.1厘米)减少到有指导且对门诊容许的门控公差设定为25的0.3厘米(范围0.2-0.5厘米)。呼吸周期的百分比。在整个疗程中,患者对遵循以下说明没有困难。我们得出的结论是,在大多数情况下,外部监视器可以准确预测内部呼吸运动。但是,对肺功能受损的患者进行透视检查可能很重要,这可能很重要。此外,我们观察到口头指导可以改善呼吸规律,从而改善该系统的门诊治疗效果。PACS数量:87.53.–j,87.62。+ n



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