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Parent–offspring conflicts optimal bad motherhood and the mother knows best principles in insect herbivores colonizing novel host plants




Specialization of insect herbivores to one or a few host plants stimulated the development of two hypotheses on how natural selection should shape oviposition preferences: The “mother knows best” principle suggests that females prefer to oviposit on hosts that increase offspring survival. The “optimal bad motherhood” principle predicts that females prefer to oviposit on hosts that increase their own longevity. In insects colonizing novel host plants, current theory predicts that initial preferences of insect herbivores should be maladaptive, leading to ecological traps. Ecological trap theory does not take into account the fact that insect lineages frequently switch hosts at both ecological and evolutionary time scales. Therefore, the behavior of insect herbivores facing novel hosts is also shaped by natural selection. Using a study system in which four Cephaloleia beetles are currently expanding their diets from native to exotic plants in the order Zingiberales, we determined if initial oviposition preferences are conservative, maladaptive, or follow the patterns predicted by the “mother knows best” or the “optimal bad motherhood” principles. Interactions with novel hosts generated parent–offspring conflicts. Larval survival was higher on native hosts. However, adult generally lived longer on novel hosts. In Cephaloleia beetles, oviposition preferences are usually associated with hosts that increase larval survival, female fecundity, and population growth. In most cases, Cephaloleia oviposition preferences follow the expectations of the “mothers knows best” principle.
机译:昆虫食草动物专门针对一种或几种寄主植物刺激了关于自然选择如何影响产卵偏好的两个假设的发展:“母亲最清楚”的原理表明,雌性更倾向于在寄主上产卵,以增加后代的存活率。 “最佳的不良母性”原则预测,女性更倾向于在增加自身寿命的宿主上产卵。在定植于新型寄主植物中的昆虫中,目前的理论预测,昆虫食草动物的最初偏好应该是适应不良的,从而导致生态陷阱。生态陷阱理论没有考虑到昆虫谱系经常在生态和进化时间尺度上转换宿主这一事实。因此,面对自然寄主的昆虫食草动物的行为也受到自然选择的影响。根据一项研究系统,目前有四个头孢甲虫正在按金伯拉莱斯的顺序将其饮食从本地植物扩展到外来植物,我们确定最初的产卵偏好是保守的,适应不良的还是遵循“母亲最了解”或“最佳母性”原则。与新型宿主的相互作用产生了亲子冲突。幼虫在本地宿主上的存活率更高。但是,成年人通常在新颖的寄宿家庭中寿命更长。在头孢甲虫中,产卵的偏好通常与增加幼虫存活,雌性繁殖力和种群增长的寄主有关。在大多数情况下,头孢霉菌的产卵喜好遵循“母亲最了解”原则的期望。



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