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Genetic attributes of midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) populations do not correlate with degree of species decline

机译:助产蟾蜍(Alytes obstetricans)种群的遗传属性与物种衰退程度不相关



Genetic diversity is crucial for long-term population persistence. Population loss and subsequent reduction in migration rate among the most important processes that are expected to lead to a reduction in genetic diversity and an increase in genetic differentiation. While the theory behind this is well-developed, empirical evidence from wild populations is inconsistent. Using microsatellite markers, we compared the genetic structure of populations of an amphibian species, the midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans), in four Swiss regions where the species has suffered variable levels of subpopulation extirpation. We also quantified the effects of several geographic factors on genetic structure and used a model selection approach to ascertain which of the variables were important for explaining genetic variation. Although subpopulation pairwise FST-values were highly significant even over small geographic scales, neither any of the geographic variables nor loss of subpopulations were important factors for predicting spatial genetic structure. The absence of a signature of subpopulation loss on genetic differentiation may suggest that midwife toad subpopulations function as relatively independent units.
机译:遗传多样性对于长期的人口持久性至关重要。在最重要的进程中,人口的减少和随后迁移率的降低预计将导致遗传多样性的减少和遗传分化的增加。尽管背后的理论已经发展成熟,但来自野生种群的经验证据却不一致。我们使用微卫星标记,比较了瑞士四个地区的两栖类物种(助产蟾蜍(Alytes obstetricans))的种群遗传结构,这些物种遭受了不同程度的亚种群灭绝。我们还量化了几个地理因素对遗传结构的影响,并使用模型选择方法来确定哪些变量对于解释遗传变异很重要。尽管即使在较小的地理范围内,亚种群成对的FST值也非常显着,但是任何地理变量或亚种群的损失都不是预测空间遗传结构的重要因素。在遗传分化中缺乏亚种群损失的特征可能表明助产士蟾蜍亚种群起相对独立的单位的作用。



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