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Transgenerational soil-mediated differences between plants experienced or naïve to a grass invasion




Invasive species may undergo rapid change as they invade. Native species persisting in invaded areas may also experience rapid change over this short timescale relative to native populations in uninvaded areas. We investigated the response of the native Achillea millefolium to soil from Holcus lanatus-invaded and uninvaded areas, and we sought to determine whether differential responses between A. millefolium from invaded (invader experienced) and uninvaded (invader naïve) areas were mediated by soil community changes. Plants grown from seed from experienced and naïve areas responded differently to invaded and uninvaded soil with respect to germination time, biomass, and height. Overall, experienced plants grew faster and taller than their naïve counterparts. Naïve native plants showed negative feedbacks with their home soil and positive feedbacks with invaded soil; experienced plants were less responsive to soil differences. Our results suggest that native plants naïve to invasion may be more sensitive to soil communities than experienced plants, consistent with recent studies. While differences between naïve and experienced plants are transgenerational, our design cannot differentiate between differences that are genetically based, plastic, or both. Regardless, our results highlight the importance of seed source and population history in restoration, emphasizing the restoration potential of experienced seed sources.
机译:入侵物种在入侵时可能会发生快速变化。相对于未入侵地区的本地种群,在入侵地区持续存在的本地物种在短时间内也可能经历快速变化。我们调查了原生A虫对来自Holcus lanatus入侵和未入侵地区的土壤的响应,并试图确定来自入侵(经历入侵者)和未入侵(未入侵者)区域的A. millefolium是否由土壤群落介导变化。在发芽时间,生物量和高度方面,从有经验和朴素地区的种子中生长的植物对入侵和未入侵土壤的反应不同。总体而言,有经验的植物比幼稚的植物更快,更高。天真的原生植物对自己的土壤表现出负面的反馈,对入侵的土壤表现出积极的反馈;有经验的植物对土壤差异的反应较弱。我们的研究结果表明,与最近的研究一致,天真的入侵植物可能比有经验的植物对土壤群落更敏感。虽然幼稚植物和有经验植物之间的差异是转基因的,但我们的设计无法区分基于遗传的差异,可塑性或两者兼有。无论如何,我们的结果强调了种子来源和种群历史在恢复中的重要性,强调了经验丰富的种子来源的恢复潜力。



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