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Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Coronary Sinus: Anatomic Variants and Congenital Anomalies




The coronary sinus (CS) is an important vascular structure that allows for access into the coronary veins in multiple interventional cardiology procedures, including catheter ablation of arrhythmias, pacemaker implantation and retrograde cardioplegia. The success of these procedures is facilitated by the knowledge of the CS anatomy, in particular the recognition of its variants and anomalies. This pictorial essay reviews the spectrum of CS anomalies, with particular attention to the distinction between clinically benign variants and life-threatening defects. Emphasis will be placed on the important role of cardiac CT and cardiovascular magnetic resonance in providing detailed anatomic and functional information of the CS and its relationship to surrounding cardiac structures.Teaching Points• Cardiac CT and cardiovascular magnetic resonance offer 3D high-resolution mapping of the coronary sinus in pre-surgical planning.• Congenital coronary sinus enlargement occurs in the presence or absence of a left-to-right shunt.• Lack of recognition of coronary sinus anomalies can lead to adverse outcomes in cardiac procedures.• In coronary sinus ostial atresia, coronary venous drainage to the atria occurs via Thebesian or septal veins.• Coronary sinus diverticulum is a congenital outpouching of the coronary sinus and may predispose to cardiac arrhythmias.
机译:冠状窦(CS)是重要的血管结构,可通过多种介入性心脏病学程序进入冠状静脉,包括心律失常的导管消融,起搏器植入和逆行性心脏停搏。 CS解剖学的知识,尤其是对其变体和异常的认识,促进了这些手术的成功。这篇图片文章回顾了CS异常的范围,特别注意了临床良性变体和威胁生命的缺陷之间的区别。重点将放在心脏CT和心血管磁共振在提供CS的详细解剖学和功能信息及其与周围心脏结构的关系中的重要作用上。教学要点•心脏CT和心血管磁共振提供了3D高分辨率地图绘制术前计划中的冠状窦。•先天性冠状窦扩大发生在有左右分流的情况下。•对冠状窦异常的认识不足会导致心脏手术的不良后果。•冠状窦口闭锁时,冠状静脉经蒂比斯或中隔静脉引流至心房。•冠状窦憩室是冠状窦的先天性支出,可能易导致心律不齐。



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