首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Nucleic Acids Research >CRISPRFinder: a web tool to identify clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats

CRISPRFinder: a web tool to identify clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats




Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) constitute a particular family of tandem repeats found in a wide range of prokaryotic genomes (half of eubacteria and almost all archaea). They consist of a succession of highly conserved regions (DR) varying in size from 23 to 47 bp, separated by similarly sized unique sequences (spacer) of usually viral origin. A CRISPR cluster is flanked on one side by an AT-rich sequence called the leader and assumed to be a transcriptional promoter. Recent studies suggest that this structure represents a putative RNA-interference-based immune system. Here we describe CRISPRFinder, a web service offering tools to (i) detect CRISPRs including the shortest ones (one or two motifs); (ii) define DRs and extract spacers; (iii) get the flanking sequences to determine the leader; (iv) blast spacers against Genbank database and (v) check if the DR is found elsewhere in prokaryotic sequenced genomes. CRISPRFinder is freely accessible at .
机译:成簇的规则间隔的短回文重复序列(CRISPRs)构成了在广泛的原核基因组(半数真细菌和几乎所有古细菌)中发现的特定串联重复序列家族。它们由一系列高度保守的区域(DR)组成,其大小从23到47bp不等,并被通常是病毒来源的大小相似的独特序列(间隔子)隔开。 CRISPR簇的一侧是称为引物的富含AT的序列,被认为是转录启动子。最近的研究表明,这种结构代表了一种假定的基于RNA干扰的免疫系统。在这里,我们介绍CRISPRFinder,这是一个提供以下工具的网络服务:(i)检测包括最短的CRISPR(一个或两个基序)的CRISPR; (ii)定义DR并提取间隔符; (iii)获得侧翼序列以确定领导者; (iv)针对Genbank数据库的基因间隔子,以及(v)检查DR是否在原核测序基因组的其他地方发现。可以在上免费访问CRISPRFinder。



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