首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Determinants of ventilation and pulmonary artery pressure during early acclimatization to hypoxia in humans

Determinants of ventilation and pulmonary artery pressure during early acclimatization to hypoxia in humans




Key points class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc" id="tjp6663-list-0001">Lung ventilation and pulmonary artery pressure rise progressively in response to 8 h of hypoxia, changes described as ‘acclimatization to hypoxia’. Acclimatization responses differ markedly between humans for unknown reasons.We explored whether the magnitudes of the ventilatory and vascular responses were related, and whether the degree of acclimatization could be predicted by acute measurements of ventilatory and vascular sensitivities.In 80 healthy human volunteers measurements of acclimatization were made before, during, and after a sustained exposure to 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia.No correlation was found between measures of ventilatory and pulmonary vascular acclimatization.The ventilatory chemoreflex sensitivities to acute hypoxia and hypercapnia all increased in proportion to their pre‐acclimatization values following 8 h of hypoxia. The peripheral (rapid) chemoreflex sensitivity to CO2, measured before sustained hypoxia against a background of hyperoxia, was a modest predictor of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia. This finding has relevance to predicting human acclimatization to the hypoxia of altitude.
机译:关键点 class =“ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc” id =“ tjp6663-list-0001”> <!-list-behavior = unordered prefix-word = mark-type = disc max- label-size = 0-> 肺缺氧和肺动脉压力随着缺氧8小时而逐渐升高,这种变化被描述为“适应缺氧”。出于未知原因,人与人之间的适应性反应明显不同。 我们探讨了通气和血管反应的强度是否相关,以及通过急性测量通气和血管敏感性是否可以预测适应程度。 / li> 在80名健康人类志愿者中,在持续暴露于等容量氧不足8小时之前,之中和之后进行了适应训练。 在通气和肺血管测量之间未发现相关性 缺氧8小时后,对急性缺氧和高碳酸血症的通气化学反射敏感性均与适应前的值成正比。在高氧背景下持续缺氧之前测量的外周(快速)对CO2的化学反射敏感性是通气适应缺氧的适度预测指标。这一发现与预测人类对海拔低氧的适应有关。



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