首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Insect Science >Comparative Efficacy of CO2 and Ozone Gases Against Ephestia cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Larvae Under Different Temperature Regimes

Comparative Efficacy of CO2 and Ozone Gases Against Ephestia cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Larvae Under Different Temperature Regimes

机译:不同温度条件下CO2和臭氧气体对小叶披披(Epidhestia cautella)幼虫的比较功效



Comparative efficacy of three different modified atmospheres: 100% CO2, 75% CO2 + 25% N2, and 22 ppm ozone were examined against larval mortality of the almond moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) at temperature regimes of 25°C and 35 ± 2°C and 60 ± 5% relative humidity, and 9:15 dark and light. Wandering young larval instars, which are fast growing, large enough in size and considered as more tolerant to modified atmosphere, were collected directly from the rearing culture, placed inside pitted date fruits of vars.: “Khudri,” “Ruziz,” and “Saqie,” were treated with aforementioned gases for 24, 48, and 72 h. The immediate and delayed larval mortality was recorded after each exposure timing. Ozone possessed the strongest fumigant toxicity causing 100% mortality with all varieties, at 25 and 35°C after 24 h exposure and was more effective than 75% CO2 that caused 83 and 100% immediate mortality with variety ruziz at 25 and 35°C, respectively. Extending the treatments exposure time to 72 h, 100% mortality was recorded by exposing larvae to any of the studied gases at 25 and 35°C. These results suggest that gases and temperature used in this study can be effectively used to control E. cautella in dates and stored grains.
机译:在25°C的温度范围内,测试了三种不同的改良气氛(100%CO2、75%CO2 ++ 25%N2和22ppm ppm臭氧)对扁桃Ep(Walker)(鳞翅目:Pyralidae)的幼虫死亡率的比较效果。 C和35±2°C和60±humidity5%相对湿度,以及9:15暗和亮。直接从饲养文化中收集生长迅速,大小足够大且被认为对改良的大气有耐受性的幼龄幼虫幼龄幼虫,将其置于无核枣果实的果实中。“ Khudri”,“ Ruziz”和“ Saqie”用上述气体处理24、48和72,h。在每个接触时间之后记录立即和延迟的幼虫死亡率。臭氧具有最强的熏蒸毒性,在24小时暴露25°C和35°C时,所有品种都会导致100%的死亡率,并且比75%的CO2更有效,后者在25和35°C时会导致ruziz造成83%和100%的立即死亡,分别。将处理暴露时间延长至72 h,通过将幼虫暴露于25和35°C的任何研究气体中,可以记录100%的死亡率。这些结果表明,在这项研究中使用的气体和温度可以有效地用于控制枣和贮藏谷物中的小球藻。



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