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JAK-inhibitors. New players in the field of immune-mediated diseases beyond rheumatoid arthritis




Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs) are a group of molecules associated with one of the major pathways through which many cytokines exert and integrate their function, and as such they are increasingly recognized as playing critical role in the pathogenesis subserving various immune-mediated diseases, including RA, PsA, SpAs, IBD, skin disorders (e.g. alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis), single-gene disorders like interferonopathies, and others. JAKs are the key initiating players of the JAK/STAT pathway. Upon binding of their respective effector molecules (cytokines, IFNs, growth factors and others) to type I and type II receptors, JAKs are activated, and through phosphorylation of themselves and of other molecules (including STATs), they mediate signal transduction to the nucleus. A class of drugs—called JAK inhibitors or JAKinibs—that block one or more JAKs has been developed in the last decade, and now numbers >20 members. Although, so far, JAK inhibitors have been marketed only for RA and PsA, these drugs have been tested in phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials for other inflammatory conditions and beyond. In this review, we summarize the clinical data, including efficacy and safety, available for JAK inhibitors used in some immune-mediated conditions other than RA.
机译:Janus激酶(JAK)/信号转导子和转录激活子(STATs)是与许多细胞因子通过其发挥作用和整合其功能的主要途径之一相关的一组分子,因此,人们日益认识到它们在细胞因子中起着关键作用。致病的原因是各种免疫介导的疾病,包括RA,PsA,SpAs,IBD,皮肤疾病(例如斑秃,特应性皮炎),单基因疾病(如干扰素病)等。 JAK是JAK / STAT途径的主要发起者。在其各自的效应分子(细胞因子,IFN,生长因子等)与I型和II型受体结合后,JAK被激活,并通过自身和其他分子(包括STATs)的磷酸化,介导信号转导至细胞核。在过去的十年中,已经开发出了一种可阻止一种或多种JAK的药物,称为JAK抑制剂或JAKinib。尽管到目前为止,JAK抑制剂仅针对RA和PsA进行了市场销售,但这些药物已经在2期和3期临床试验中针对其他炎性疾病进行了测试。在这篇综述中,我们总结了可用于除RA以外的某些免疫介导疾病的JAK抑制剂的临床数据,包括功效和安全性。



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