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Students’ medical ethics rounds: a combinatorial program for medical ethics education




It has long been a common goal for both medical educators and ethicists to develop effective methods or programs for medical ethics education. The current lecture-based courses of medical ethics programs in medical schools are demonstrated as insufficient models for training “good doctors’’.In this study, we introduce an innovative program for medical ethics education in an extra-curricular student-based design named Students’ Medical Ethics Rounds (SMER). In SMER, a combination of educational methods, including theater-based case presentation, large group discussion, expert opinions, role playing and role modeling were employed. The pretest-posttest experimental design was used to assess the impact of interventions on the participants’ knowledge and attitude regarding selected ethical topics. A total of 335 students participated in this study and 86.57% of them filled the pretest and posttest forms. We observed significant improvements in the knowledge (P < 0.0500) and attitude (P < 0.0001) of participants. Interestingly, 89.8% of participants declared that their confidence regarding how to deal with the ethical problems outlined in the sessions was increased. All of the applied educational methods were reported as helpful. We found that SMER might be an effective method of teaching medical ethics. We highly recommend the investigation of the advantages of SMER in larger studies and interdisciplinary settings.
机译:对于医学教育者和伦理学家来说,开发有效的医学伦理教育方法或程序一直是一个共同的目标。在医学院中,当前以讲课为基础的医学伦理课程被证明是不足以培养“好医生”的模型。在这项研究中,我们在课外基于学生的设计中引入了创新的医学伦理教育课程,名为“学生”。 '医学伦理回合(SMER)。在SMER中,采用了多种教育方法,包括基于剧院的案例演示,大型小组讨论,专家意见,角色扮演和角色建模。测试前-测试后的实验设计用于评估干预措施对参与者关于选定道德主题的知识和态度的影响。共有335名学生参加了这项研究,其中86.57%的学生填写了考试前和考试后的表格。我们观察到参与者的知识(P <0.0500)和态度(P <0.0001)有了显着改善。有趣的是,有89.8%的参与者表示,他们对如何处理会议中概述的道德问题的信心有所提高。据报所有应用的教育方法都是有帮助的。我们发现,SMER可能是教授医学伦理学的有效方法。我们强烈建议在更大的研究和跨学科环境中研究SMER的优势。



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