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Characterization of a new Pm2 allele associated with broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance in wheat line Subtil




Wheat powdery mildew is a severe disease affecting yield and quality. Host resistance was proved to be effective and environment-friendly. Wheat line Subtil is an elite germplasm resource resistant to 28 of 30 tested Bgt isolates. Genetic analysis showed that the powdery mildew resistance in Subtil was conferred by a single dominant gene, temporarily designated PmSub. Using bulked segregant analysis, PmSub was mapped to chromosome arm 5DS, and flanked by the markers Bwm16 and Cfd81/Bwm21 at 5.0 and 0.9 cM, respectively. Allelism tests further confirmed PmSub was allelic with documented Pm2 alleles. Then, homologous sequences of Pm2a related sequence was cloned from Subtil and Chinese Spring. It was completely identical to the reported Pm2a sequence, but significantly different from that of Chinese Spring. A marker SWGI067 was developed based on the sequence divergence of homologous sequence in Subtil and Chinese Spring. SWGI067 was closely linked to PmSub, indicating that the gene PmSub itself was different from the cloned Pm2a related sequence. Meanwhile, Subtil produced significantly different reaction pattern compared with other genotypes with Pm genes at or near Pm2 locus. Therefore, PmSub was most likely a new allele of Pm2. PmSub has opportunities for marker-assisted selecting for high-efficiency wheat improvement.
机译:小麦白粉病是影响产量和品质的严重疾病。事实证明,宿主抗性是有效的并且对环境友好。小麦品系Subtil是一种优良的种质资源,可抵抗30种经过测试的Bgt分离株中的28种。遗传分析表明,Subtil的白粉病抗性是由单个显性基因(临时命名为PmSub)赋予的。使用大量分离剂分析,将PmSub定位到5DS染色体臂上,并分别位于5.0和0.9 cM处的标记Bwm16和Cfd81 / Bwm21侧翼。等位基因测试进一步证实了PmSub与已记录的Pm2等位基因是等位基因。然后,从Subtil和中国春克隆了与Pm2a相关序列的同源序列。它与报道的Pm2a序列完全相同,但与中国春季的序列有显着差异。基于Subtil和中国春季同源序列的序列差异,开发了标记SWGI067。 SWGI067与PmSub紧密相连,表明基因PmSub本身与克隆的Pm2a相关序列不同。同时,与在Pm2基因座处或附近具有Pm基因的其他基因型相比,Subtil产生了明显不同的反应模式。因此, PmSub 很可能是 Pm2 的新等位基因。 PmSub 具有进行标记辅助选择的高效小麦改良机会。



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