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Difference in the Surgical Outcome of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients with and without Pre-Alveolar Bone Graft Orthodontic Treatment




Presurgical orthodontic treatment before secondary alveolar bone grafting (SABG) is widely performed for cleft lip/palate patients. However, no randomized controlled trial has been published comparing SABG outcomes in patients with, and without, presurgical orthodontic treatment. This randomized, prospective, single-blinded trial was conducted between January 2012 and April 2015 to compare ABG volumes 6 months postoperatively between patients with and without presurgical orthodontic treatment. Twenty-four patients were enrolled and randomized and 22 patients completed follow-up. Patients who had presurgical orthodontics before SABG had significantly improved inclination (p < 0.001) and rotation (p < 0.001) of the central incisor adjacent to the defect, significantly improved ABG fill volume (0.81 ± 0.26 cm3 at 6 months compared to 0.59 ± 0.22 cm3; p < 0.05) and less residual alveolar bone defect (0.31 ± 0.08 cm3 at 6 months compared to s 0.55 ± 0.14 cm3; p < 0.001) compared to patients who did not have presurgical orthodontic treatment. In conclusion, orthodontic treatment combined with SABG results in superior bone volume when compared with conventional SABG alone.
机译:唇left裂患者广泛接受二次牙槽骨移植(SABG)之前的术前正畸治疗。但是,尚无关于比较接受或不接受手术前正畸治疗的患者SABG结果的随机对照试验。这项随机,前瞻性,单盲试验于2012年1月至2015年4月进行,比较了有无正畸外科手术的患者术后6个月的ABG量。 24名患者入组并随机分组,22名患者完成了随访。 SABG手术前正畸的患者,与缺损相邻的中切牙的倾斜度(p(<0.001)和旋转度(p <0.001)明显改善,ABG充盈量明显改善(0.81±0.26 cm 3 在6个月时为0.59 defect±0.22cm 3 ; p <0.05 cm 3 ; p <0.001),而未接受手术前正畸治疗的患者相比。总之,与传统的SABG相比,正畸治疗与SABG的结合可产生更好的骨量。



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