首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientific Reports >Long-latency modulation of motor cortex excitability by ipsilateral posterior inferior frontal gyrus and pre-supplementary motor area

Long-latency modulation of motor cortex excitability by ipsilateral posterior inferior frontal gyrus and pre-supplementary motor area




The primary motor cortex (M1) is strongly influenced by several frontal regions. Dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation (dsTMS) has highlighted the timing of early (<40 ms) prefrontal/premotor influences over M1. Here we used dsTMS to investigate, for the first time, longer-latency causal interactions of the posterior inferior frontal gyrus (pIFG) and pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) with M1 at rest. A suprathreshold test stimulus (TS) was applied over M1 producing a motor-evoked potential (MEP) in the relaxed hand. Either a subthreshold or a suprathreshold conditioning stimulus (CS) was administered over ipsilateral pIFG/pre-SMA sites before the TS at different CS-TS inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs: 40–150 ms). Independently of intensity, CS over pIFG and pre-SMA (but not over a control site) inhibited MEPs at an ISI of 40 ms. The CS over pIFG produced a second peak of inhibition at an ISI of 150 ms. Additionally, facilitatory modulations were found at an ISI of 60 ms, with supra- but not subthreshold CS intensities. These findings suggest differential modulatory roles of pIFG and pre-SMA in M1 excitability. In particular, the pIFG –but not the pre-SMA– exerts intensity-dependent modulatory influences over M1 within the explored time window of 40-150 ms, evidencing fine-tuned control of M1 output.
机译:初级运动皮层(M1)受几个额叶区域的强烈影响。双部位经颅磁刺激(dsTMS)强调了M1早期(<40μms)前额叶/运动前影响的时机。在这里,我们使用dsTMS首次研究了静息M1下后额额回(pIFG)和补充前运动区(SMA前)的较长潜伏因果相互作用。在M1上施加超阈值测试刺激(TS),在放松的手中产生电机诱发电位(MEP)。在不同CS-TS间刺激间隔(ISI:40-150μms)之前,在TS之前,对同侧pIFG / SMA前部位施用亚阈值或超阈条件刺激(CS)。与强度无关,CS在pIFG和SMA前(但不在对照部位)抑制IEP为40µms的MEP。 pIFG上的CS在150µms的ISI上产生了第二个抑制峰。另外,在60µms的ISI处发现了辅助调制,具有高于CS阈值但低于阈值的CS强度。这些发现表明pIFG和pre-SMA在M1兴奋性中的不同调节作用。特别是,pIFG(而非前SMA)在40-150 ms的探索时间范围内对M1施加了强度依赖的调制影响,证明了对M1输出的微调控制。



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