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Assuring Safety of Inherently Unsafe Medications: the FDA Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies




The decision to approve a drug for clinical use is based on an understanding of its benefits versus the risks. Although efficacy is generally understood at the time of submission to the FDA for approval, the risks are more difficult to assess. Both PubMed (from 2000 to 2012) and the FDA website () were searched using the search terms “risk evaluation and mitigation strategy” (REMS). Articles for review were selected by relevance to topic, and their references were searched as well for additional relevant resources. Since the search results were not expected to contain research studies, formal quality assessment and inclusion and exclusion criteria were not utilized resulting in a narrative review. Few directly relevant research studies exist, although supporting documents such as government reports were available. For effective drugs with unclear or concerning safety records, the FDA has the option of requiring a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy, which allows a systematic approach to track and assure safe medication use. Over 100 different medications are currently covered by REMS, and each REMS is developed individually based on the needs of the specific drug or class. Although likely associated with improvements in medication safety, the potential benefit, limitations, and consequences of REMS are not yet fully understood.
机译:批准将药物用于临床的决定是基于对药物益处与风险的了解。尽管功效通常在提交FDA批准时就已经了解,但风险却更难评估。使用搜索词“风险评估和缓解策略”(REMS)对PubMed(从2000年到2012年)和FDA网站()进行了搜索。通过与主题相关的方式选择要审查的文章,并在其参考文献中搜索其他相关资源。由于搜索结果预计不会包含研究内容,因此未使用正式的质量评估以及纳入和排除标准,从而进行了叙述性评论。尽管可获得诸如政府报告之类的辅助性文件,但很少有直接相关的研究。对于不清楚或涉及安全记录的有效药物,FDA可以选择要求进行风险评估和缓解策略,以采取系统的方法来跟踪和确保安全使用药物。 REMS目前涵盖100多种不同的药物,每种REMS都是根据特定药物或类别的需要单独开发的。尽管可能与药物安全性的改善有关,但REMS的潜在益处,局限性和后果尚不完全清楚。



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