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Natural infection of Neotropical bats with hantavirus in Brazil




Bats (Order: Chiroptera) harbor a high diversity of emerging pathogens presumably because their ability to fly and social behavior favor the maintenance, evolution, and dissemination of these pathogens. Until 2012, there was only one report of the presence of Hantavirus in bats. Historically, it was thought that these viruses were harbored primarily by rodent and insectivore small mammals. Recently, new species of hantaviruses have been identified in bats from Africa and Asia continents expanding the potential reservoirs and range of these viruses. To assess the potential of Neotropical bats as hosts for hantaviruses and its transmission dynamics in nature, we tested 53 bats for active hantaviral infection from specimens collected in Southeastern Brazil. Part of the hantaviral S segment was amplified from the frugivorous Carollia perspicillata and the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus. DNA sequencing showed high similarity with the genome of Araraquara orthohantavirus (ARQV), which belongs to one of the more lethal hantavirus clades (Andes orthohantavirus). ARQV-like infection was detected in the blood, urine, and organs of D. rotundus. Therefore, we describe a systemic infection in Neotropical bats by a human pathogenic Hantavirus. We also propose here a schematic transmission dynamics of hantavirus in the study region. Our results give insights to new, under-appreciated questions that need to be addressed in future studies to clarify hantavirus transmission in nature and avoid hantavirus outbreaks.
机译:蝙蝠(订购:Chiroptera)藏有大量新出现的病原体,可能是因为它们的飞行能力和社交行为有利于这些病原体的维持,进化和传播。直到2012年,只有一份关于蝙蝠中存在汉坦病毒的报道。从历史上看,这些病毒主要是由啮齿动物和食虫性小型哺乳动物所藏匿的。最近,在非洲和亚洲大陆的蝙蝠中发现了新的汉坦病毒新种,扩大了这些病毒的潜在库和范围。为了评估新热带蝙蝠作为汉坦病毒宿主的潜能及其在自然界中的传播动态,我们从巴西东南部采集的标本中测试了53头蝙蝠的主动型汉坦病毒感染。从节食的卡洛莉娅perspicillata和常见的吸血蝙蝠Desmodus rotundus扩增部分汉坦病毒S节段。 DNA测序显示与Araraquara orthohantavirus(ARQV)的基因组高度相似,后者属于致命性更强的汉坦病毒进化枝之一(Andes orthohantatavirus)。在圆形果蝇的血液,尿液和器官中检测到类似ARQV的感染。因此,我们描述了人类致病性汉坦病毒在新热带蝙蝠中的全身感染。我们在这里还提出了汉坦病毒在研究区域的传播动力学示意图。我们的结果提供了新的,未被充分认识的问题的见识,这些问题需要在以后的研究中加以阐明,以阐明汉坦病毒在自然界的传播并避免汉坦病毒爆发。


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