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Long-read assembly of the Chinese rhesus macaque genome and identification of ape-specific structural variants




We present a high-quality de novo genome assembly (rheMacS) of the Chinese rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) using long-read sequencing and multiplatform scaffolding approaches. Compared to the current Indian rhesus macaque reference genome (rheMac8), rheMacS increases sequence contiguity 75-fold, closing 21,940 of the remaining assembly gaps (60.8 Mbp). We improve gene annotation by generating more than two million full-length transcripts from ten different tissues by long-read RNA sequencing. We sequence resolve 53,916 structural variants (96% novel) and identify 17,000 ape-specific structural variants (ASSVs) based on comparison to ape genomes. Many ASSVs map within ChIP-seq predicted enhancer regions where apes and macaque show diverged enhancer activity and gene expression. We further characterize a subset that may contribute to ape- or great-ape-specific phenotypic traits, including taillessness, brain volume expansion, improved manual dexterity, and large body size. The rheMacS genome assembly serves as an ideal reference for future biomedical and evolutionary studies.
机译:我们使用长期阅读测序和多平台支架方法,提出了中国猕猴(猕猴)的高质量的从头基因组组装(rheMacS)。与当前的印度恒河猴猕猴参考基因组(rheMac8)相比,rheMacS将序列连续性提高了75倍,从而关闭了剩余的装配缺口(21,940)(60.8 Mbp)。我们通过长期阅读RNA测序从十个不同的组织中生成超过200万个全长转录本,从而改善了基因注释。我们与猿基因组进行比较,确定了53,916个结构变异(占96%的新颖性)的序列,并确定了17,000个猿特异性结构变异(ASSVs)。 ChIP-seq预测的增强子区域中有许多ASSV定位,其中猿和猕猴显示出不同的增强子活性和基因表达。我们进一步表征可能与猿或大猿特定的表型特征有关的子集,包括无尾,大脑体积扩大,手巧提高和体型较大。 rheMacS基因组装配可作为未来生物医学和进化研究的理想参考。



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