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The impact of women’s education workforce experience and the One Child Policy on fertility in China: a census study in Guangdong China




The impact of women’s education on fertility is of interest to researchers, particularly in China. However, few studies have provided well-founded assessments of how women’s education, workforce experience, and birth control policy jointly affect fertility in China. This study, conducted in Guangdong Province, aimed to analyze how these three factors influenced the timing of births and affected women at different stages of their reproductive lives. We used census data for Guangdong Province (1990, 2000, and 2010) to make cross-sectional age-specific comparisons to examine the effects of women’s education and workforce participation on fertility outcomes under China’s One Child Policy. We found that: (1) under circumstances of low fertility, women tend to have more children with greater educational attainment; (2) the impact of women’s education and workforce experience on fertility varied across age groups, with the effect of education showing a bimodal curve peaking at 25–29 years and 40–44 years, and a workforce experience effect at 25–34 years; and (3) the fertility time-squeeze effect by educational attainment was relatively small, the effect by workforce participation was larger, and the most important effect was birth control policy and its implementation. These results suggest that educational attainment and workforce experience have a substantial effect on women’s fertility, and a tradeoff between them is unavoidable. China’s 2015 birth control policy adjustment should be considered in planning future services to accommodate anticipated increases in the birth rate. More attention should be directed to the causal mechanism (women’s preference and selection effects) behind the factors analyzed in this study.
机译:研究人员对女性教育对生育的影响感兴趣,特别是在中国。但是,很少有研究提供充分的依据来评估妇女的教育程度,劳动力经验和节育政策如何共同影响中国的生育率。这项在广东省进行的研究旨在分析这三个因素如何影响生育时机以及如何影响妇女在生殖生活的不同阶段。我们使用了广东省的人口普查数据(1990年,2000年和2010年)进行了跨年龄段的比较,以考察中国的“一胎化政策”下妇女的教育程度和劳动力参与度对生育结果的影响。我们发现:(1)在低生育率的情况下,妇女往往有更多受过良好教育的孩子; (2)妇女的教育程度和劳动力经验对生育率的影响随年龄段的不同而变化,教育效果显示双峰曲线在25-29岁和40-44岁达到峰值,劳动力经验效应在25-34岁之间达到峰值; (3)受教育程度对生育时间的挤压效应相对较小,劳动力参与的效应较大,其中最重要的影响是节育政策及其实施。这些结果表明,受教育程度和工作经验对女性的生育能力有重大影响,而且不可避免地要权衡取舍。在规划未来服务时应考虑中国2015年的节育政策调整,以适应预期的出生率增长。在本研究中分析的因素背后,应更加关注因果机制(妇女的偏好和选择效应)。



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