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Spin-lattice decoupling in a triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid




A quantum spin liquid (QSL) is an exotic state of matter in condensed-matter systems, where the electron spins are strongly correlated, but conventional magnetic orders are suppressed down to zero temperature because of strong quantum fluctuations. One of the most prominent features of a QSL is the presence of fractionalized spin excitations, called spinons. Despite extensive studies, the nature of the spinons is still highly controversial. Here we report magnetocaloric-effect measurements on an organic spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet, showing that electron spins are decoupled from a lattice in a QSL state. The decoupling phenomena support the gapless nature of spin excitations. We further find that as a magnetic field is applied away from a quantum critical point, the number of spin states that interact with lattice vibrations is strongly reduced, leading to weak spin–lattice coupling. The results are compared with a model of a strongly correlated QSL near a quantum critical point.
机译:量子自旋液体(QSL)在凝聚态系统中是一种奇异的物质状态,在该系统中,电子自旋具有很强的相关性,但是由于强大的量子波动,常规的磁阶被抑制到了零温度。 QSL最突出的特征之一是存在被称为自旋的分数自旋激发。尽管进行了广泛的研究,但是旋翼的性质仍然存在很大争议。在这里,我们报告有机自旋1/2三角晶格反铁磁体的磁热效应测量结果,表明电子自旋在QSL状态下从晶格解耦。去耦现象支持自旋激励的无缝性质。我们进一步发现,当磁场远离量子临界点施加时,与晶格振动相互作用的自旋态数量会大大减少,从而导致弱的自旋-晶格耦合。将结果与接近量子临界点的强相关QSL模型进行比较。



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