首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Toxicological Sciences >Increased Sensitivity to Testicular Toxicity of Transplacental Benzoapyrene Exposure in Male Glutamate Cysteine Ligase Modifier Subunit Knockout (Gclm−/−) Mice

Increased Sensitivity to Testicular Toxicity of Transplacental Benzoapyrene Exposure in Male Glutamate Cysteine Ligase Modifier Subunit Knockout (Gclm−/−) Mice

机译:雄性谷氨酸半胱氨酸连接酶修饰子亚基敲除(Gclm-/-)小鼠对胎盘苯并a re暴露的睾丸毒性的敏感性增加。



Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), like benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), are ubiquitous environmental pollutants formed by the incomplete combustion of organic materials. The tripeptide glutathione (GSH) is a major antioxidant and is important in detoxification of PAH metabolites. Mice null for the modifier subunit of glutamate cysteine ligase (Gclm), the rate-limiting enzyme in GSH synthesis, have decreased GSH concentrations. We investigated the effects of Gclm deletion alone on male fertility and spermatogenesis and its effect on the sensitivity of male embryos to the transplacental testicular toxicity of BaP. Gclm−/− males had dramatically decreased testicular and epididymal GCL enzymatic activity and total GSH concentrations compared with Gclm+/+ littermates. Ratios of reduced to oxidized GSH were significantly increased in Gclm−/− testes. GSH reductase enzymatic activity was increased in Gclm−/− epididymides. We observed no changes in fertility, testicular weights, testicular sperm head counts, or testicular histology and subtle changes in cauda epididymal sperm counts, motility, and morphology in Gclm−/− compared with Gclm+/+ males. Prenatal exposure to BaP from gestational day 7 to 16 was dose dependently associated with significantly decreased testicular and epididymal weights, testicular and epididymal sperm counts, and with vacuolated seminiferous tubules at 10 weeks of age. Gclm−/− males exposed prenatally to BaP had greater decreases in testicular weights, testicular sperm head counts, epididymal sperm counts, and epididymal sperm motility than Gclm+/+ littermates. These results show no effects of Gclm deletion alone on male fertility and testicular spermatogenesis and subtle epididymal effects but support increased sensitivity of Gclm−/− males to the transplacental testicular toxicity of BaP.
机译:多环芳烃(PAHs),例如苯并[a] py(BaP),是有机材料不完全燃烧形成的普遍存在的环境污染物。三肽谷胱甘肽(GSH)是主要的抗氧化剂,在PAH代谢产物的解毒中很重要。谷氨酸半胱氨酸连接酶(Gclm)修饰子亚基(Gcl合成中的限速酶)无效的小鼠GSH浓度降低。我们调查了单独的Gclm删除对雄性育性和精子形成的影响,以及对雄性胚胎对BaP的经胎盘睾丸毒性敏感性的影响。与Gclm + / +同窝仔相比,Gclm-/-雄性的睾丸和附睾GCL酶活性和总GSH浓度显着降低。 Gclm-/-睾丸中还原型GSH与氧化型GSH的比率显着增加。在Gclm-/-附睾中,GSH还原酶的酶活性增加。与Gclm + / +男性相比,我们观察到Gclm-/-的生育力,睾丸重量,睾丸精子头数或睾丸组织学无变化,附睾附睾精子数,运动性和形态无细微变化。从妊娠第7天到第16天,产前暴露于BaP与剂量相关,与睾丸和附睾重量显着降低,睾丸和附睾精子计数显着降低,以及10周龄时空泡的生精小管有关。与Gclm + / +同窝仔相比,产前暴露于BaP的Gclm-/-男性的睾丸重量,睾丸精子头数,附睾精子数量和附睾精子运动性下降更大。这些结果表明,单独的Gclm缺失对男性的生育能力和睾丸生精功能没有影响,并且对附睾的影响微妙,但支持Gclm-/-男性对BaP的经胎盘睾丸毒性的敏感性增加。



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