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High Satellite Repeat Turnover in Great Apes Studied with Short- and Long-Read Technologies




Satellite repeats are a structural component of centromeres and telomeres, and in some instances, their divergence is known to drive speciation. Due to their highly repetitive nature, satellite sequences have been understudied and underrepresented in genome assemblies. To investigate their turnover in great apes, we studied satellite repeats of unit sizes up to 50 bp in human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and Sumatran and Bornean orangutans, using unassembled short and long sequencing reads. The density of satellite repeats, as identified from accurate short reads (Illumina), varied greatly among great ape genomes. These were dominated by a handful of abundant repeated motifs, frequently shared among species, which formed two groups: 1) the (AATGG)n repeat (critical for heat shock response) and its derivatives; and 2) subtelomeric 32-mers involved in telomeric metabolism. Using the densities of abundant repeats, individuals could be classified into species. However, clustering did not reproduce the accepted species phylogeny, suggesting rapid repeat evolution. Several abundant repeats were enriched in males versus females; using Y chromosome assemblies or Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization, we validated their location on the Y. Finally, applying a novel computational tool, we identified many satellite repeats completely embedded within long Oxford Nanopore and Pacific Biosciences reads. Such repeats were up to 59 kb in length and consisted of perfect repeats interspersed with other similar sequences. Our results based on sequencing reads generated with three different technologies provide the first detailed characterization of great ape satellite repeats, and open new avenues for exploring their functions.
机译:卫星重复序列是着丝粒和端粒的结构组成部分,在某些情况下,众所周知,它们的差异会导致物种形成。由于它们的高度重复性,卫星序列在基因组组装中的研究和代表性不足。为了研究它们在大猩猩中的周转率,我们使用未组装的短和长测序序列研究了人类,黑猩猩,bo黑猩猩,大猩猩,苏门答腊和婆罗洲猩猩中单位大小高达50bp的卫星重复序列。根据精确的短读(Illumina)鉴定,卫星重复的密度在大猿基因组之间差异很大。这些以少数几个丰富的重复基序为主导,这些基序经常在物种之间共享,形成了两个基团:1)(AATGG)n重复序列(对热休克反应至关重要)及其衍生物; 2)参与端粒代谢的亚端粒32-聚体。使用大量重复的密度,可以将个体分类。但是,聚类不能重现可接受的物种系统发育,表明重复序列快速进化。雄性和雌性中富集了多个丰富的重复序列。使用Y染色体装配或荧光原位杂交,我们验证了它们在Y上的位置。最后,使用一种新颖的计算工具,我们确定了许多完全嵌入在长牛津纳米孔和Pacific Biosciences阅读物中的卫星重复序列。此类重复序列的长度最大为59 kb,由点缀有其他相似序列的完美重复序列组成。我们基于三种不同技术产生的测序读段的结果,为大猿卫星重复序列的首次详细表征,并为探索其功能开辟了新途径。



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