首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Pediatric Psychology >Peer Relationships of Bereaved Siblings and Comparison Classmates After a Childs Death from Cancer

Peer Relationships of Bereaved Siblings and Comparison Classmates After a Childs Death from Cancer




>Objectives To compare peer relationships among bereaved siblings and matched classmates, and to examine gender, grade level, and time since death as moderators. >Methods Families were recruited from cancer registries at four hospitals 3–12 months after a child's death. Measures of social behavior and peer acceptance were completed by children in the classrooms of 105 bereaved siblings (ages 8 –17 years). Teachers also reported on children's social behavior. Three classmates were matched for gender, race, and age to each bereaved sibling to form a comparison group (n = 311). >Results Teachers reported bereaved siblings were more prosocial than comparison classmates. Peers perceived bereaved boys as more sensitive-isolated and victimized, while bereaved siblings in elementary grades were perceived by peers as less prosocial, more sensitive-isolated, less accepted, and as having fewer friends. Peers and teachers viewed bereaved siblings in middle/high school grades as higher on leadership–popularity. >Conclusions Bereaved siblings who were male and in elementary grades were more vulnerable to social difficulties, while those in middle/high school may exhibit some strengths. Ongoing research to inform the development of interventions for bereaved siblings is warranted.
机译:>目标比较死者同胞和同班同学之间的同伴关系,并检查其性别,年级和去世后的主持人时间。 >方法孩子死后3–12个月,他们从四家医院的癌症登记处招募了家人。儿童在105个失去亲人的兄弟姐妹(8至17岁)的教室中完成了社交行为和同伴接纳的测量。教师还报告了儿童的社交行为。将三名同学的性别,种族和年龄与每个失去亲人的兄弟姐妹配对,组成一个比较组(n = 311)。 >结果老师报告说,失去亲人的兄弟姐妹比同班同学更亲社会。同伴认为失去亲人的男孩更容易被孤立和受害,而同伴则认为小学阶段失去亲人的同胞的亲近度较低,孤立度更高,接受度较低,朋友也较少。同行和老师们认为,中学/高年级失去亲人的兄弟姐妹的领导才能更高。 >结论丧偶的男性和小学一年级以下的兄弟姐妹更容易受到社会困扰,而中学/高中的兄弟姐妹则可能具有一定的优势。有必要进行不断的研究以告知对丧亲兄弟姐妹的干预措施的发展。



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