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Editors Choice: Natality Decline and Miscarriages Associated With the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: The Scandinavian and United States Experiences




(See the editorial commentary by Glezen, on pages .)>Background. Although pregnancy is a recognized risk factor for severe influenza infection, the effect of influenza on miscarriages and births remains unclear. We examined the relationship between influenza and birth rates during the 1918 pandemic in the United States, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.>Methods. We compiled monthly birth rates from 1911 through 1930 in 3 Scandinavian countries and the United States, identified periods of unusually low or high birth rates, and quantified births as “missing” or “in excess” of the normal expectation. Using monthly influenza data, we correlated the timing of peak pandemic exposure and depressions in birth rates, and identified pregnancy stages at risk of influenza-related miscarriage.>Results. Birth rates declined in all study populations in spring 1919 by a mean of 2.2 births per 1000 persons, representing a 5%–15% drop below baseline levels (P < .05). The 1919 natality depression reached its trough 6.1–6.8 months after the autumn pandemic peak, suggesting that missing births were attributable to excess first trimester miscarriages in ∼1 in 10 women who were pregnant during the peak of the pandemic. Pandemic-related mortality was insufficient to explain observed patterns.>Conclusions. The observed birth depressions were consistent with pandemic influenza causing first trimester miscarriages in ∼1 in 10 pregnant women. Causality is suggested by temporal synchrony across geographical areas.
机译:(请参阅Glezen在页面上的社论评论。)>背景。尽管怀孕是公认的严重流感感染的危险因素,但仍不清楚流感对流产和分娩的影响。我们研究了美国,丹麦,瑞典和挪威在1918年大流行期间流感与出生率之间的关系。>方法。我们汇总了1911年至1930年在斯堪的纳维亚和美国的3月出生率各州确定了异常低或高出生率的时期,并将出生量化为正常期望的“缺失”或“超出”。使用每月的流感数据,我们将大流行暴露高峰与出生率下降的时间相关联,并确定了处于与流感相关的流产风险的妊娠阶段。>结果。 1919年春季,所有研究人群的出生率均下降了平均每1000人有2.2例分娩,比基线水平下降5%–15%(P <.05)。 1919年出生率的下降在秋季大流行高峰之后的6.1-6.8个月达到了谷底,这表明在大流行高峰期间怀孕的10名妇女中,约有1名妇女早孕流产过多,导致婴儿出生不足。大流行性疾病相关的死亡率不足以解释观察到的模式。>结论。观察到的出生抑郁症与大流行性流感导致10名孕妇中约1例早孕流产相一致。因果关系由跨地理区域的时间同步提示。



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