
A family study of renal agenesis




A family study of bilateral renal agenesis was undertaken based on 103 patients with bilateral renal agenesis, ascertained through stillbirth and neonatal death certificates, and confirmed by necropsy reports; 28 were ascertained through paediatric pathologists. The families of 108 of these were traced and visited.The birth frequency in the year in which ascertainment was likely to be most complete, 1974, was estimated to be 0·12 per 1000 total births, but it is recognised that this will be an underestimate. No significant variation was found by geographical region, parental birth place, socioeconomic class, maternal age, or birth order. There was, however, an excess of conceptions in the spring quarter (March, April, and May), similar to, but in this series more marked than, that seen in neural tube malformations.The proportion of sibs affected was 7 in 199 (3·5%); of these, 6 were bilaterally and 1 was unilaterally (with an enlarged contralateral cystic kidney) affected. This is rather too high to be explained by multifactorial inheritance unless the estimate of the birth frequency is much too low. The proportion of sibs affected was similar for index patients with `single' bilateral renal agenesis, with only embryologically related malformations, and for index patients with associated malformations of unrelated bodily systems. Of the 199 sibs, 5 had neural tube malformations, but in 3 of these instances the index patient also had a neural tube malformation as well as renal agenesis. Where the index patient had ureteric remnants, 1 in 12 sibs were affected, but this high proportion may well just be a chance effect.Coincidence within families suggests that unilateral renal agenesis is genetically related to bilateral renal agenesis, and that cases of bilateral renal agenesis without ureters are not genetically different from those with ureteric remnants.
机译:对103例双侧肾发育不全的患者进行了双侧肾发育不全的家庭研究,该患者通过死产和新生儿死亡证明确定,并由尸检报告证实;通过儿科病理学家确定了28例。追踪并探视了其中的108个家庭。1974年确定性最完整的那一年的出生频率估计为每1000个总出生的0·12,但人们认识到这将是低估。在地理区域,父母的出生地,社会经济阶层,产妇年龄或出生顺序方面没有发现显着差异。然而,春季季度(3月,4月和5月)的受孕概念过多,与神经管畸形相似,但在这一系列中更为明显。受影响的同胞比例为199中的7( 3·5%);其中,双侧受累6例,单侧受累对侧胆囊肾1例。除非对出生频率的估计值太低,否则这太高了,无法用多因素继承来解释。患“单发”双侧肾发育不全的指数患者同胞的比例相似,只有与胚胎相关的畸形,而有相关的身体系统畸形的指数患者。在199位同胞中,有5位患有神经管畸形,但在其中3例中,索引患者也有神经管畸形和肾发育不全。索引患者有输尿管残留的患者中,有12个同胞受累,但这一高比例很可能只是偶然的结果。家庭中的巧合表明单侧肾发育不全与双侧肾发育不全遗传相关,而双侧肾发育不全病例没有输尿管的人与输尿管残余的人在基因上没有区别。



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