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An overall genetic risk assessment for radiological protection purposes.




Risks of serious hereditary damage in the first and second generations after low level radiation exposure and at equilibrium were calculated by using a doubling dose of 100 rem (based on experimental work with the mouse) and by considering separately the various categories of genic and chromosomal defect. Prenatal lethality has not been included. It is estimated that after the exposure of a population of future parents to a collective dose of 1 million man-rem, about 125 extra cases of serious genetic ill health would appear in children and grandchildren. In all future generations, a total of about 320 cases is expected, provided the population remains of constant size. It is emphasised, however, that a number of major assumptions have to be made in order to arrive at any overall genetic risk estimate, so that the confidence limits of these figures are bound to be wide.
机译:通过使用100 rem的加倍剂量(基于与小鼠的实验工作)并分别考虑基因和染色体缺陷的各种类别,可以计算出低剂量辐射暴露后第一代和第二代处于严重遗传损伤的风险,并且处于平衡状态。 。产前杀伤力未包括在内。据估计,在未来的父母群体接触到一百万曼雷姆的集体剂量之后,儿童和孙子女中将再出现约125例严重的遗传疾病。如果人口数量保持不变,那么在所有后代中,预计总共将有320例病例。但是,要强调的是,必须做出许多主要假设才能得出任何总体遗传风险估计值,因此这些数字的置信度范围必然会很宽。



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