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Old World Monkeys and New Age Science: The Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Systems Virology




Nonhuman primate (NHP) biomedical models are critical to our understanding of human health and disease, yet we are still in the early stages of developing sufficient tools to support primate genomic research that allow us to better understand the basis of phenotypic traits in NHP models of disease. A mere 7 years ago, the limited NHP transcriptome profiling that was being performed was done using complementary DNA arrays based on human genome sequences, and the lack of NHP genomic information and immunologic reagents precluded the use of NHPs in functional genomic studies. Since then, significant strides have been made in developing genomics capabilities for NHP research, from the rhesus macaque genome sequencing project to the construction of the first macaque-specific high-density oligonucleotide microarray, paving the way for further resource development and additional primate sequencing projects. Complete published draft genome sequences are now available for the chimpanzee ( ), bonobo ( ), gorilla ( ), and baboon ( ), along with the recently completed draft genomes for the cynomolgus macaque and Chinese rhesus macaque. Against this backdrop of both expanding sequence data and the early application of sequence-derived DNA microarrays tools, we will contextualize the development of these community resources and their application to infectious disease research through a literature review of NHP models of acquired immune deficiency syndrome and models of respiratory virus infection. In particular, we will review the use of -omics approaches in studies of simian immunodeficiency virus and respiratory virus pathogenesis and vaccine development, emphasizing the acute and innate responses and the relationship of these to the course of disease and to the evolution of adaptive immunity.
机译:非人类灵长类动物(NHP)生物医学模型对于我们了解人类健康和疾病至关重要,但是我们仍处于开发足够的工具以支持灵长类动物基因组研究的早期阶段,这些工具可以使我们更好地了解NHP模型中表型特征的基础。疾病。仅在7年前,使用基于人类基因组序列的互补D​​NA阵列进行的有限NHP转录组分析已完成,并且由于缺乏NHP基因组信息和免疫试剂,因此无法在功能基因组研究中使用NHP。从那时起,从恒河猴猕猴基因组测序项目到第一个猕猴特异性高密度寡核苷酸微阵列的构建,在开发用于NHP研究的基因组学能力方面取得了长足进步,为进一步的资源开发和其他灵长类动物测序项目铺平了道路。 。黑猩猩(),bo黑猩猩(),大猩猩()和狒狒()现已提供完整的已公开基因组草图序列,以及食蟹猕猴和恒河猴的最新基因组草图。在不断扩大序列数据和早期应用序列衍生DNA微阵列工具的背景下,我们将通过对获得性免疫缺陷综合征和模型的NHP模型的文献综述,结合这些社区资源的发展及其在传染病研究中的应用情况呼吸道病毒感染。特别是,我们将回顾使用-组学方法研究猿猴免疫缺陷病毒和呼吸道病毒的发病机理和疫苗开发,重点是急性和先天反应以及这些反应与疾病进程和适应性免疫进化之间的关系。



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