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Primary prevention of type 2 diabetes: integrative public health and primary care opportunities challenges and strategies




Type 2 diabetes imposes a large and growing burden on the public’s health. This burden, combined with the growing evidence for primary prevention from randomized controlled trials of structured lifestyle programs leads to recommendations to include caloric reduction, increased physical activity and specific assistance to patients in problem solving to achieve modest weight loss as well as pharmacotherapy. These recommendations demand exploration of new ways to implement such primary prevention strategies through more integrated community organization, medical practice and policy. The US experience with control of tobacco use and high blood pressure offers valuable lessons for policy, such as taxation on products, and for practice in a variety of settings, such as coordination of referrals for lifestyle supports. We acknowledge also some notable exceptions to their generalizability. This paper presents possible actions proposed by an expert panel, summarized in as recommendations for immediate action, strategic action and research. The collaboration of primary care and public health systems will be required to make many of these recommendations a reality. This paper also provides information on the progress made in recent years by the Division of Diabetes Translation at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to implement or facilitate such integration of primary care and public health for primary prevention.>Table 1Proposed action items
机译:2型糖尿病给公众健康带来了沉重的负担。这种负担加上结构化生活方式计划的随机对照试验对一级预防的越来越多的证据,导致建议包括减少热量,增加体育锻炼以及为患者解决问题提供具体帮助,以实现适度的体重减轻和药物治疗。这些建议要求探索通过更综合的社区组织,医疗实践和政策来实施此类一级预防策略的新方法。美国在控制烟草使用和高血压方面的经验为政策(例如对产品征税)和各种环境下的实践(例如协调推荐的生活方式支持)提供了宝贵的经验教训。我们也承认其可概括性方面的一些显着例外。本文介绍了一个专家小组提出的可能采取的行动,总结为对立即采取行动,战略行动和研究的建议。为了使许多建议成为现实,将需要初级保健和公共卫生系统的合作。本文还提供了美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)糖尿病翻译处近年来为实现或促进初级保健和公共卫生在初级预防中的这种融合而取得的进展的信息。表ft1-> <!-table-wrap mode =“ anchored” t5-> >表1 <!-caption a7->建议的操作项



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