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‘Location Location Location’: a spatial approach for rare variant analysis and an application to a study on non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate




>Motivation: For the analysis of rare variants in sequence data, numerous approaches have been suggested. Fixed and flexible threshold approaches collapse the rare variant information of a genomic region into a test statistic with reduced dimensionality. Alternatively, the rare variant information can be combined in statistical frameworks that are based on suitable regression models, machine learning, etc. Although the existing approaches provide powerful tests that can incorporate information on allele frequencies and prior biological knowledge, differences in the spatial clustering of rare variants between cases and controls cannot be incorporated. Based on the assumption that deleterious variants and protective variants cluster or occur in different parts of the genomic region of interest, we propose a testing strategy for rare variants that builds on spatial cluster methodology and that guides the identification of the biological relevant segments of the region. Our approach does not require any assumption about the directions of the genetic effects.>Results: In simulation studies, we assess the power of the clustering approach and compare it with existing methodology. Our simulation results suggest that the clustering approach for rare variants is well powered, even in situations that are ideal for standard methods. The efficiency of our spatial clustering approach is not affected by the presence of rare variants that have opposite effect size directions. An application to a sequencing study for non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P) demonstrates its practical relevance. The proposed testing strategy is applied to a genomic region on chromosome 15q13.3 that was implicated in NSCL/P etiology in a previous genome-wide association study, and its results are compared with standard approaches.>Availability: Source code and documentation for the implementation in R will be provided online. Currently, the R-implementation only supports genotype data. We currently are working on an extension for VCF files.>Contact:
机译:>动机:为分析序列数据中的稀有变异,已提出了许多方法。固定和灵活的阈值方法将基因组区域的稀有变异信息分解为维数减少的测试统计量。或者,可以将稀有变异信息组合到基于合适的回归模型,机器学习等的统计框架中。尽管现有方法提供了强大的测试,可以结合有关等位基因频率和先验生物学知识的信息,但空间聚类的差异案例和控件之间的罕见变体无法合并。基于有害变体和保护变体聚集或出现在感兴趣的基因组区域的不同部分的假设,我们提出了一种罕见变体的测试策略,该策略基于空间聚类方法并指导对该区域生物学相关部分的鉴定。我们的方法不需要对遗传效应的方向做任何假设。>结果:在模拟研究中,我们评估了聚类方法的功能并将其与现有方法进行比较。我们的仿真结果表明,即使在非常适合标准方法的情况下,稀有变体的聚类方法功能也很强大。我们的空间聚类方法的效率不受效果大小方向相反的稀有变体的影响。一项针对非综合征性left裂伴或不伴left裂(NSCL / P)的测序研究的应用证明了其实际意义。拟议的测试策略应用于之前在全基因组关联研究中与NSCL / P病因有关的15q13.3染色体上的基因组区域,并将其结果与标准方法进行了比较。>可用性: R中实现的源代码和文档将在线提供。当前,R实现仅支持基因型数据。我们目前正在开发VCF文件的扩展名。>联系方式:



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