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A failure of left temporal cortex to specialize for language is an early emerging and fundamental property of autism




Failure to develop normal language comprehension is an early warning sign of autism, but the neural mechanisms underlying this signature deficit are unknown. This is because of an almost complete absence of functional studies of the autistic brain during early development. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we previously observed a trend for abnormally lateralized temporal responses to language (i.e. greater activation on the right, rather than the expected left) in a small sample (n = 12) of sleeping 2–3 year olds with autism in contrast to typically developing children, a finding also reported in autistic adults and adolescents. It was unclear, however, if findings of atypical laterality would be observed in a larger sample, and at even earlier ages in autism, such as around the first birthday. Answers to these questions would provide the foundation for understanding how neurofunctional defects of autism unfold, and provide a foundation for studies using patterns of brain activation as a functional early biomarker of autism. To begin to examine these issues, a prospective, cross-sectional design was used in which brain activity was measured in a large sample of toddlers (n = 80) during the presentation of a bedtime story during natural sleep. Forty toddlers with autism spectrum disorder and 40 typically developing toddlers ranging in age between 12–48 months participated. Any toddler with autism who participated in the imaging experiment prior to final diagnosis was tracked and diagnoses confirmed at a later age. Results indicated that at-risk toddlers later diagnosed as autistic display deficient left hemisphere response to speech sounds and have abnormally right-lateralized temporal cortex response to language; this defect worsens with age, becoming most severe in autistic 3- and 4-year-olds. Typically developing children show opposite developmental trends with a tendency towards greater temporal cortex response with increasing age and maintenance of left-lateralized activation with age. We have now demonstrated lateralized abnormalities of temporal cortex processing of language in autism across two separate samples, including a large sample of young infants who later are diagnosed with autism, suggesting that this pattern may reflect a fundamental early neural developmental pathology in autism.
机译:未能发展出正常的语言理解能力是自闭症的早期预警信号,但这种信号缺陷的神经机制尚不清楚。这是因为在早期发育过程中几乎完全没有对自闭症大脑进行功能研究。使用功能磁共振成像,我们先前观察到了一个小样本(n = 12)的睡眠中2-3岁自闭症患者对语言的时间异常横向化趋势(即,右侧的激活程度更大,而不是预期的左侧)。与通常发育中的儿童相比,自闭症成年人和青少年中也发现了这一发现。但是,尚不清楚是否会在较大的样本中,甚至在自闭症的更早年龄(例如,第一个生日前后)观察到非典型偏侧的发现。这些问题的答案将为理解自闭症的神经功能缺陷如何发展提供基础,并为使用脑部激活模式作为自闭症的早期功能性生物标志物的研究提供基础。为了开始研究这些问题,采用了前瞻性的横断面设计,其中在演示自然睡眠期间就寝故事的过程中,对大量婴儿(n = 80)进行了大脑活动测量。 40名患有自闭症谱系障碍的幼儿和40名年龄在12-48个月之间的发育中幼儿参与了研究。跟踪所有在最终诊断之前参与影像学实验的自闭症幼儿,并在以后的年龄确认诊断。结果表明,高危幼儿后来被诊断为自闭症显示对语音的左半球反应不足,并且对语言的颞叶皮层反应异常;这种缺陷随着年龄的增长而恶化,在自闭症的3岁和4岁儿童中最严重。通常,发育中的儿童表现出相反的发展趋势,随着年龄的增长,其颞皮质反应增强,并随着年龄的增长而维持左偏侧激活。现在,我们已经在两个独立的样本中证明了自闭症中语言的颞皮质处​​理的侧向异常,其中包括大量后来被诊断为自闭症的婴儿样本,这表明该模式可能反映出自闭症的基本早期神经发育病理。



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