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Behavioral Weight Loss and Physical Activity Intervention in Obese Adultswith Asthma. A Randomized Trial




>Rationale: The effect of weight loss on asthma in obese adults warrants rigorous investigation.>Objectives: To examine an evidence-based, practical, and comprehensive lifestyle intervention targeting modest weight loss and increased physical activity for asthma control.>Methods: The trial randomized 330 obese adults with uncontrolled asthma to receive usual care enhanced with a pedometer, a weight scale, information about existing weight management services at the participating clinics, and an asthma education DVD, or with these tools plus the 12-month intervention.>Measurements and Main Results: The primary outcome was change in Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) scores from baseline to 12 months. Participants (mean [SD] age, 47.6 [12.4] yr) were 70.6% women, 20.0% non-Hispanic black, 20.3% Hispanic/Latino, and 8.2% Asian/Pacific Islander. At baseline, they were obese (mean [SD] body mass index, 37.5 [5.9] kg/m2) and had uncontrolled asthma (Asthma Control Test score, 15.1 [3.8]). Compared with control subjects, intervention participants achieved significantly greater mean weight loss (±SE) (intervention, −4.0 ± 0.8 kg vs. control, −2.1 ± 0.8 kg; P = 0.01) and increased leisure-time activity (intervention, 418.2 ± 110.6 metabolic equivalenttask–min/wk vs. control, 178.8 ± 109.1 metabolic equivalenttask–min/wk; P = 0.05) at 12 months. Butbetween-treatment mean (±SE) differences were not significant for ACQ changes(intervention, –0.3 ± 0.1 vs. control,–0.2 ± 0.1; P = 0.92) from baseline(mean [SD], 1.4 [0.8]), nor for any other clinical asthma outcomes (e.g., spirometricresults and asthma exacerbations). Among all participants regardless of treatmentassignment, weight loss of 10% or greater was associated with a Cohend effect of 0.76 and with 3.78 (95% confidence interval,1.72–8.31) times the odds of achieving clinically significant reductions(i.e., ≥0.5) on ACQ as stable weight (<3% loss or gain from baseline).The effects of other weight change categories were small.>Conclusions: Moderately and severely obese adults with uncontrolledasthma can safely participate in evidence-based lifestyle intervention for weightloss and active living. The modest average weight and activity improvements arecomparable to those shown to reduce cardiometabolic risk factors in studies ofsimilar interventions in other populations but are not associated with significantnet benefits for asthma control or other clinical asthma outcomes in the currentpopulation. Instead, weight loss of 10% or greater may be required to produceclinically meaningful improvement in asthma.Clinical trial registered with ().
机译:>理论依据:减肥对肥胖成年人哮喘的影响值得严格研究。>目标:研究针对中等体重减轻和肥胖的循证,实用和全面的生活方式干预措施>方法:该试验对330例哮喘未控制的肥胖成年人进行了随机分配,以使用计步器,体重计,参与诊所现有体重管理服务的相关信息来加强常规护理哮喘教育DVD或使用这些工具加上12个月的干预措施。>测量和主要结果:主要结果是哮喘控制问卷(ACQ)得分从基线到12个月发生了变化。参与者(平均[SD]年龄,47.6 [12.4]岁)是女性70.6%,20.0%非西班牙裔黑人,20.3%西班牙裔/拉丁美洲裔和8.2%亚洲/太平洋岛民。在基线时,他们肥胖(平均[SD]体重指数,为37.5 [5.9] kg / m 2 ),并且患有不受控制的哮喘(哮喘控制测试得分为15.1 [3.8])。与对照组相比,干预参与者的平均体重减轻(±SE)显着提高(干预组为-4.0±±0.8 kg,对照组为-2.1±±0.8 kg; P = 0.01),并且休闲活动增加(干预为418.2±±)。 110.6代谢当量任务–分钟/周vs.对照,代谢当量为178.8±109.1任务-分钟/周; P = 0.05)在12个月时。但治疗间平均值(±SE)差异对于ACQ变化不显着(干预,相对于对照组,为–0.3±0.1),–0.2±0.1; P = 0.92)(平均值[SD],1.4 [0.8]),也不适用于任何其他临床哮喘结局(例如,肺活量测定结果和哮喘恶化)。在所有参与者中,无论待遇如何分配,体重减轻10%或更多与Cohen有关d效应为0.76和3.78(95%置信区间,1.72–8.31)倍实现临床显着降低的几率(例如,≥0.5)在ACQ上作为稳定体重(与基线相比损失或增加<3%)。其他体重变化类别的影响很小。>结论:中度和重度肥胖成年人,无法控制哮喘可以安全地参加循证生活方式的减肥损失和积极的生活。平均体重和活动量的适度提高可与降低心血管代谢危险因素的研究相比较在其他人群中采取类似的干预措施,但与重大人群无关当前控制哮喘或其他临床哮喘结局的净收益人口。取而代之的是,可能需要减肥10%或更多才能产生在哮喘方面具有临床意义的改善。()。



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