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Immune Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease




Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex chronic disease. Chronic inflammation is the hallmark of COPD, involving the interplay of a wide variety of cells in the lung microenvironment. Cigarette smoke (CS) induces chronic lung inflammation and is considered a key etiological factor in the development and pathogenesis of COPD. Structural and inflammatory cells in the lung respond to CS exposure by releasing proinflammatory mediators that recruit additional inflammatory immune cells, which collectively contribute to the establishment of a chronic inflammatory microenvironment. Chronic inflammation contributes to lung damage, compromises innate and adaptive immune responses, and facilitates the recurrent episodes of respiratory infection that punctuate and further contribute to the pathological manifestations of the stable disease. A number of studies support the conclusion that immune dysfunction leads to exacerbations and disease severity in COPD. Our group has clearly demonstrated that CS exacerbates lung inflammation and compromises immunity to respiratory pathogens in a mouse model of COPD. We have also investigated the phenotype of immune cells in patients with COPD compared with healthy control subjects and found extensive immune dysfunction due to the presence and functional activity of T regulatory cells, CD4+PD-1+ exhausted effector T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Manipulation of these immunosuppressive networks in COPD could provide a rational strategy to restore functional immune responses, reduce exacerbations, and improve lung function. In this review, we discuss the role of immune dysfunction in COPD that may contribute to recurrent respiratory infections and disease severity.
机译:慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)是一种复杂的慢性疾病。慢性炎症是COPD的标志,涉及肺微环境中多种细胞的相互作用。香烟烟雾(CS)诱发慢性肺部炎症,被认为是COPD发生和发病机制中的关键病因。肺中的结构性细胞和炎性细胞通过释放促炎介质来响应CS暴露,该促炎介质会募集更多的炎性免疫细胞,共同促成慢性炎性微环境的建立。慢性炎症会导致肺部损伤,损害先天性和适应性免疫反应,并促进呼吸道感染的复发发作,这些发作会发作并进一步导致稳定疾病的病理表现。大量研究支持以下结论:免疫功能障碍会导致COPD恶化和疾病严重程度。我们的研究小组清楚地证明,CS在COPD小鼠模型中加剧了肺部炎症并损害了对呼吸道病原体的免疫力。我们还调查了COPD患者与健康对照组相比的免疫细胞表型,发现由于T调节细胞CD4 + PD-1 的存在和功能活性,导致广泛的免疫功能障碍+ 耗尽了效应T细胞和髓样抑制细胞。在COPD中操纵这些免疫抑制网络可以提供合理的策略来恢复功能性免疫反应,减少病情加重并改善肺功能。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了免疫功能低下在COPD中的作用,它可能导致反复呼吸道感染和疾病严重程度。



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