首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology >α-Tocopherol supplementation of allergic female mice inhibits development of CD11c+CD11b+ dendritic cells in utero and allergic inflammation in neonates

α-Tocopherol supplementation of allergic female mice inhibits development of CD11c+CD11b+ dendritic cells in utero and allergic inflammation in neonates

机译:补充α-生育酚可抑制雌性小鼠的子宫内CD11c + CD11b +树突状细胞的发育和新生儿的过敏性炎症



α-Tocopherol blocks responses to allergen challenge in allergic adult mice, but it is not known whether α-tocopherol regulates the development of allergic disease. Development of allergic disease often occurs early in life. In clinical studies and animal models, offspring of allergic mothers have increased responsiveness to allergen challenge. Therefore, we determined whether α-tocopherol blocked development of allergic responses in offspring of allergic female mice. Allergic female mice were supplemented with α-tocopherol starting at mating. The pups from allergic mothers developed allergic lung responses, whereas pups from saline-treated mothers did not respond to the allergen challenge, and α-tocopherol supplementation of allergic female mice resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in eosinophils in the pup bronchoalveolar lavage and lungs after allergen challenge. There was also a reduction in pup lung CD11b+ dendritic cell subsets that are critical to development of allergic responses, but there was no change in several CD11b dendritic cell subsets. Furthermore, maternal supplementation with α-tocopherol reduced the number of fetal liver CD11b+ dendritic cells in utero. In the pups, there was reduced allergen-induced lung mRNA expression of IL-4, IL-33, TSLP, CCL11, and CCL24. Cross-fostering pups at the time of birth demonstrated that α-tocopherol had a regulatory function in utero. In conclusion, maternal supplementation with α-tocopherol reduced fetal development of subsets of dendritic cells that are critical for allergic responses and reduced development of allergic responses in pups from allergic mothers. These results have implications for supplementation of allergic mothers with α-tocopherol.
机译:α-生育酚阻断了成年过敏性小鼠中对过敏原激发的反应,但尚不清楚α-生育酚是否调节过敏性疾病的发展。过敏性疾病的发展通常发生在生命的早期。在临床研究和动物模型中,过敏母亲的后代对过敏原激发的反应性增强。因此,我们确定α-生育酚是否阻断了过敏性雌性小鼠后代的过敏反应发展。从交配开始,对过敏性雌性小鼠补充α-生育酚。过敏母亲的幼崽对肺部产生过敏反应,而生理盐水处理过的母亲的幼崽对过敏原挑战无反应,并且补充α-生育酚的雌性雌性小鼠的幼犬支气管肺泡灌洗液和肺中嗜酸性粒细胞的剂量依赖性减少。过敏原挑战后。幼鼠肺CD11b + 树突状细胞亚群的减少对过敏反应的发展至关重要,但几个CD11b -树突状细胞亚群没有变化。此外,孕妇补充α-生育酚可减少子宫内胎儿肝脏CD11b + 树突状细胞的数量。在幼崽中,IL-4,IL-33,TSLP,CCL11和CCL24的变应原诱导的肺mRNA表达降低。出生时的交叉寄养幼崽表明,α-生育酚在子宫内具有调节功能。总之,孕产妇补充α-生育酚可减少对过敏反应至关重要的树突状细胞亚群的胎儿发育,并减少来自过敏母亲幼崽的过敏反应的发展。这些结果对使用α-生育酚补充过敏母亲具有启示。



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