
Comments on A new theory for X-ray diffraction




In an article entitled A new theory for X-ray diffraction [Fewster (2014). Acta Cryst. A>70, 257–282], hereafter referred to as NTXRD, it is claimed that when X-rays are scattered from a small crystallite, whatever its size and shape, the diffraction pattern will contain enhanced scattering at angles of exactly 2θB, whatever the orientation of the crystal. It is claimed that in this way scattering from a powder, with randomly oriented crystals, gives rise to Bragg scattering even if the Bragg condition is never satisfied by an individual crystallite. The claims of the theory put forward in NTXRD are examined and they are found to be in error. Whilst for a certain restricted set of shapes of crystals it is possible to obtain some diffraction close to (but not exactly at) the Bragg angle as the crystallite is oriented away from the Bragg condition, this is generally not the case. Furthermore, contrary to the claims made within NTXRD, the recognition of the origin of the type of effects described is not new, and has been known since the earliest days of X-ray diffraction.
机译:在一篇名为“ X射线衍射的新理论”的文章中[Fewster(2014)。 Acta Cryst。 A > 70 ,257–282],以下称为NTXRD,据称,当X射线从小的微晶中散射时,无论其大小和形状如何,衍射图样在无论晶体的取向如何,其角度均为2θB。据称,以这种方式从具有随机取向的晶体的粉末中的散射引起布拉格散射,即使单个微晶永远不能满足布拉格条件。对NTXRD中提出的理论主张进行了检查,发现它们是错误的。尽管对于一定的一组受限形状的晶体,当微晶取向远离布拉格条件时,可能获得一些接近(但不完全是)布拉格角的衍射,但通常不是这种情况。此外,与在NTXRD内提出的权利要求相反,对所描述的效应类型的起源的认识并不是新的,并且自X射线衍射最早以来就已为人所知。



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