首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Physical Therapy Science >Plantar pressures in individuals with normal and pronated feet according tostatic squat depths

Plantar pressures in individuals with normal and pronated feet according tostatic squat depths




[Purpose] The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences in plantar pressure between individuals with normal and pronated feet according to 3 static squat depths. [Subjects and Methods] Study subjects were 10 young adults with normal and pronated feet. Plantar pressures were measured in the standing position and static squat positions at 45° (semi-squat) and 90° (half-squat) knee flexion using the F-Mat. Subjects’ plantar pressures were analyzed by dividing the foot into 4 areas: forefoot medial, forefoot lateral, midfoot, and heel. [Results] In the half-squat position, the pronated foot group showed a higher foot pressure in the forefoot medial than was seen in the normal group, whereas the normal group exhibited a higher foot pressure in the heel than was seen in the pronated foot group. [Conclusion] An increase in squat depth led to the transfer of plantar pressure to the heel in normal feet and to the forefoot medial in pronated feet.
机译:[目的]本研究的目的是根据3个静态下蹲深度来调查正常脚和有脚的人之间的足底压力差异。 [对象和方法]研究对象为10名正常和有脚的年轻人。使用F-Mat在45°(半蹲)和90°(半蹲)屈膝时,测量站立姿势和静态蹲姿的足底压力。通过将脚分为四个区域来分析受试者的足底压力:前脚内侧,前脚外侧,中脚和脚跟。 [结果]在半蹲位置,前脚掌组的前脚内侧压力比正常组高,而正常组脚后跟的脚掌压力比正常组高。组。 [结论]下蹲深度增加导致足底压力向正常脚的脚后跟转移至脚后跟的前脚内侧。



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