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Patient-reported outcome measures in arthroplasty registries




Abstract — The International Society of Arthroplasty Registries (ISAR) Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Working Group have evaluated and recommended best practices in the selection, administration, and interpretation of PROMs for hip and knee arthroplasty registries. The 2 generic PROMs in common use are the Short Form health surveys (SF-36 or SF-12) and EuroQol 5-dimension (EQ-5D). The Working Group recommends that registries should choose specific PROMs that have been appropriately developed with good measurement properties for arthroplasty patients. The Working Group recommend the use of a 1-item pain question (“During the past 4 weeks, how would you describe the pain you usually have in your [right/left] [hip/knee]?”; response: none, very mild, mild, moderate, or severe) and a single-item satisfaction outcome (“How satisfied are you with your [right/left] [hip/knee] replacement?”; response: very unsatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, or very satisfied). Survey logistics include patient instructions, paper- and electronic-based data collection, reminders for follow-up, centralized as opposed to hospital-based follow-up, sample size, patient- or joint-specific evaluation, collection intervals, frequency of response, missing values, and factors in establishing a PROMs registry program. The Working Group recommends including age, sex, diagnosis at joint, general health status preoperatively, and joint pain and function score in case-mix adjustment models. Interpretation and statistical analysis should consider the absolute level of pain, function, and general health status as well as improvement, missing data, approaches to analysis and case-mix adjustment, minimal clinically important difference, and minimal detectable change. The Working Group recommends data collection immediately before and 1 year after surgery, a threshold of 60% for acceptable frequency of response, documentation of non-responders, and documentation of incomplete or missing data.
机译:摘要—国际人工关节置换术协会(ISAR)患者报告的结果指标(PROM)工作组评估并推荐了在髋,膝关节置换术注册表的PROM的选择,管理和解释方面的最佳实践。常用的2种通用PROM是简短形式健康调查(SF-36或SF-12)和EuroQol 5维(EQ-5D)。工作组建议注册管理机构应选择针对关节置换患者适当开发的,具有良好测量性能的特定PROM。工作组建议使用一个项目的疼痛问题(“在过去的四个星期中,您如何描述您的[左右/左右] [臀部/膝盖]通常的疼痛?”;回答:没有,非常轻度,轻度,中度或重度)和单项满意度结果(“您对[左右] [臀部/膝盖]替换的满意度如何?”;回答:非常不满意,不满意,中立,满意或满意)很满意)。调查后勤包括患者说明,基于纸和电子的数据收集,跟进提醒,与基于医院的跟进相对集中,样本量,针对患者或关节的评估,收集间隔,响应频率,缺失的值,以及建立PROMs注册表程序的因素。工作组建议在病例混合调整模型中包括年龄,性别,关节诊断,术前一般健康状况以及关节疼痛和功能评分。解释和统计分析应考虑疼痛,功能和一般健康状况的绝对水平以及改善,数据丢失,分析和病例组合调整的方法,最小的临床重要差异和最小的可检测变化。工作组建议在手术前和手术后一年立即收集数据,对于可接受的反应频率,无反应的文件记录以及不完整或丢失的数据的记录,阈值应为60%。



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