首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Human Genetics >SNPing Away at Complex Diseases: Analysis of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms around APOE in Alzheimer Disease

SNPing Away at Complex Diseases: Analysis of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms around APOE in Alzheimer Disease




There has been great interest in the prospects of using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the search for complex disease genes, and several initiatives devoted to the identification and mapping of SNPs throughout the human genome are currently underway. However, actual data investigating the use of SNPs for identification of complex disease genes are scarce. To begin to look at issues surrounding the use of SNPs in complex disease studies, we have initiated a collaborative SNP mapping study around APOE, the well-established susceptibility gene for late-onset Alzheimer disease (AD). Sixty SNPs in a 1.5-Mb region surrounding APOE were genotyped in samples of unrelated cases of AD, in controls, and in families with AD. Standard tests were conducted to look for association of SNP alleles with AD, in cases and controls. We also used family-based association analyses, including recently developed methods to look for haplotype association. Evidence of association (P⩽.05) was identified for 7 of 13 SNPs, including the APOE-4 polymorphism, spanning 40 kb on either side of APOE. As expected, very strong evidence for association with AD was seen for the APOE-4 polymorphism, as well as for two other SNPs that lie <16 kb from APOE. Haplotype analysis using family data increased significance over that seen in single-locus tests for some of the markers, and, for these data, improved localization of the gene. Our results demonstrate that associations can be detected at SNPs near a complex disease gene. We found that a high density of markers will be necessary in order to have a good chance of including SNPs with detectable levels of allelic association with the disease mutation, and statistical analysis based on haplotypes can provide additional information with respect to tests of significance and fine localization of complex disease genes.
机译:人们对使用单核苷酸多态性(SNP)搜索复杂疾病基因的前景引起了极大的兴趣,并且目前正在进行一些致力于在整个人类基因组中鉴定和定位SNP的计划。但是,有关使用SNP鉴定复杂疾病基因的实际数据很少。为了开始研究在复杂疾病研究中使用SNP的问题,我们围绕APOE(一项针对早发性阿尔茨海默病(AD)的公认的易感基因)开展了一项合作SNP定位研究。在与APOE无关的病例,对照组和AD家族中,对APOE周围1.5 Mb区域的60个SNP进行了基因分型。进行标准测试以寻找病例和对照中SNP等位基因与AD的关联。我们还使用了基于家庭的关联分析,包括最近开发的寻找单倍型关联的方法。已鉴定出13个SNP中的7个的关联证据(P⩽.05),包括APOE-4多态性,在APOE的任一侧跨越40 kb。不出所料,APOE-4多态性以及距APOE <16 kb的其他两个SNP均被证实与AD相关。使用家族数据进行单倍型分析的重要性高于单基因座测试中某些标记的发现,对于这些数据,该基因的定位得到了改善。我们的结果表明,可以在复杂疾病基因附近的SNP处检测到关联。我们发现高密度的标记物将是必要的,以便有机会包括具有可检测水平的等位基因与疾病突变相关的SNP,并且基于单倍型的统计分析可以提供有关显着性和精细检验的更多信息。复杂疾病基因的定位。


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