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Training Digital Divide Seniors to use a Telehealth System: A Remote Training Approach




As the use of health information technologies continues to proliferate amongst seniors, many of whom lack computer experience, there is a need to develop effective training approaches to foster basic competencies. This paper describes the REmote Patient Education in a Telemedicine Environment (REPETE) system, a component of the IDEATel telemedicine architecture. The REPETE architecture supports simultaneous visual and audio teaching modes over low bandwidth connections. This paper presents an in-depth qualitative analysis of two patients being trained to use the IDEATel patient web portal. The results indicate that this method of instruction was useful in facilitating patients’ use of the web application. However, the observations suggest that there is learning curve for the trainer to use the resources effectively to establish common ground and foster competencies in the patient.
机译:随着老年人中许多人缺乏计算机经验的健康信息技术的使用不断增加,有必要开发有效的培训方法以提高基本能力。本文介绍了远程医疗环境中的远程患者教育(REPETE)系统,该系统是IDEATel远程医疗体系结构的组成部分。 REPETE体系结构通过低带宽连接支持同时的视觉和音频教学模式。本文对两名接受过IDEATel患者门户网站培训的患者进行了深入的定性分析。结果表明,这种指导方法有助于促进患者使用Web应用程序。但是,观察结果表明,培训师存在学习曲线,可以有效地利用资源建立共同点并培养患者的能力。



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