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Isolation and Identification of Geosmithia argillacea from a Fungal Ball in the Lung of a Tuberculosis Patient




Geosmithia argillacea, an anamorph of Talaromyces eburneus, is a thermophilic filamentous fungus that has a phenotype similar to that of the Penicillium species, except for the creamy-white colonies and cylindrical conidia. Recently, a new genus called Rasamsonia has been proposed, which is to accommodate the Talaromyces and Geosmithia species. Here, we report the first Korean case of G. argillacea isolated from a patient with a fungal ball. The patient was a 44-yr-old Korean man with a history of pulmonary tuberculosis and aspergilloma. The newly developed fungal ball in his lung was removed and cultured to identify the fungus. The fungal colonies were white and slow-growing, and the filaments resembled those of Penicillium. Molecular identification was carried out by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the 28S rDNA and the β-tubulin genes. A comparative sequence analysis using the GenBank () database was performed with the basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) algorithm. The results revealed a 97-100% similarity with the G. argillacea ITS sequence. This case should increase awareness among physicians about the pathogenic potential of G. argillacea in humans and help them accurately identify this fungus, because it can be easily confused with Penicillium and Paecilomyces species owing to their similar phenotypic and microscopic characteristics. A molecular approach should be employed to enable accurate identification of G. argillacea.
机译:鹅掌Ta的无性型,Geosmithia argillacea是一种嗜热丝状真菌,其表型类似于青霉菌,除了乳白色菌落和圆柱形分生孢子。近来,已经提出了一种新的属,称为Rasamsonia,其可以容纳Talaromyces和Geosmithia种。在这里,我们报告了第一例从真菌球患者中分离出的韩国G. argillacea病例。该患者是一名44岁的韩国男子,有肺结核和曲霉病的病史。取出并培养他肺部新形成的真菌球,以鉴定真菌。真菌菌落为白色且生长缓慢,细丝类似于青霉菌的细丝。通过对28S rDNA和β-微管蛋白基因的内部转录间隔区(ITS)区域进行测序来进行分子鉴定。使用GenBank()数据库的比较序列分析是通过基本本地比对搜索工具(BLAST)算法执行的。结果显示与G.argillacea ITS序列有97-100%的相似性。这种情况应该增加医师对人中银杏菌致病潜力的认识,并帮助他们准确地鉴定这种真菌,因为由于它们具有相似的表型和微观特性,很容易与青霉和拟青霉菌混淆。应该采用一种分子方法来准确鉴定灵芝。



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